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As Edward pulled out of the school parking lot, Bella rotated in her seat to look back at Lila. "Is it okay if we head over to Edwards house? If you don't want to I can have him drop us off at home." Lila could see her friend wanted to go with her boyfriend. Charlie wasn't home so if Edward were to drop her off and take Bella, she'd be all alone. And Lila wasn't quite ready to be alone again. "Only if that's okay with Edward and his parents." Lila spoke out in a soft but somewhat pleading voice, hoping he wouldn't be annoyed if she went along. Edward spoke up immediately after skimming through her thoughts, "of course it's okay Lila, we're friends. My siblings seem to view you as a friend too, and my parents would love to meet you." As he smiled at her through the review mirror Lila felt happy that she had grown so close with a great group of people already. "Thank you." Lila said as she smiled back and took a glance out the window.
Lila was hesitant as Edward turned down a back road. Her heart was racing a mile a minute as her paranoia and fear escalated. This was it, her "friends" were going to kill her. They were faking it, they were just picking someone weak. Bella was going to let her die. As Lila's thoughts continued Edward got more and more concerned as he unconsciously scanned her thoughts.
This was not normal behavior. What possibly could have happened to cause her this much stress and trauma? Edward could feel a memory pushing in the back of her mind, but she resisted it. As Edward pulled into the driveway to his home Lila's fear diminished considerably, yet her paranoia still lurked.
Bella unknowing of the sudden traumatic stress Lila just endured, turned around to smile at her. Yet Lila wasn't looking at Bella, she was marveling at the home in front of her, and finally taking in the beauty that was the forest. Relaxing considerably at the calming vegetation around them combined with some deep breaths, Lila climbed out of the car as a jeep rolled down the same gravel path they had come.
The grace that the Cullen's possessed as they leapt out of the jeep was astounding to her, Lila knew if she attempted any of what they just accomplished she would have broken something. She was jealous. As golden curls came into view Lila subconsciously let her eyes trail over him in concealed appreciation, after all, Jasper was art.
Shaking herself out of her creepy stalker stare Lila turned back to Bella and Edward, pulling her coat closer to her body. Bella nodded her head in the direction of the front door as she moved towards it, Lila trailing like a puppy behind her. As they entered the home Lila found appreciation in the beautiful decor, intricate yet not overbearing. Leaning over to take her shoes off a hand touched her shoulder and she looked up quickly into the eyes of Jasper. Said boy had a lopsided half grin as he shook his head "it's alright if you want to keep them on, everyone does in this house anyway." Embarrassed, Lila's face flushed as she stood up and nodded her head shifting her weight from one foot to the other. Pretty people made her nervous. "Come on, let's get you upstairs since my brother has so kindly waited for you." His eyes rolled before Lila's attention shifted to searching for the absent couple. She nodded her head absentmindedly as her thoughts became preoccupied with the hand on her lower back and the upcoming introductions.
Guided up the stairs Lila was greeted with an extravagantly beautiful woman whom she could only assume as the Cullen's mother. "Hello dear my name is Esme, you must be Lila right?" Her voice was soft as silk as she gave off a motherly affection that Lila greatly appreciated. "Yes I'm Lila, I'm sorry if I'm unexpected. You have a wonderful home." Lila reached out a timid hand for a shake before she was surprised with a soft hug, "oh no dear that is completely alright, any friends of my children are welcome anytime." Her pearly whites shone as she gave Lila a smile, "this is my husband Carlisle, honey this is Lila." As the very much so attractive Mr.Cullen stepped into view clad in doctors attire, Lila felt nervous yet excited to meet a man of his rank. Her life long dream was to become a doctor. "Hello Lila it's wonderful to meet you." Carlisle shook her hand softly, this whole family must have some bad circulation. "Thank you for welcoming me into your home." Lila timidly drew back closer to Jasper who had not left her side, "Of course Lila, you're welcome anytime." Jasper then lead her over to the living space where everyone seemed to be relaxing. Bella and Edward tucked into a chair, Rosalie and Emmet sprawled across a couch, and Alice seated elegantly on the floor. Jasper lead her to the last open chair before seating himself next to her feet on the ground his head leaning on her knee. Lookingd around the room, Lila could not have imagined this would have been her life a few months ago.

A few months ago Lila had been in the hospital.

A few months ago Lila refused speak.

A few months ago Lila's parents had been killed.

Sorry for the delay to any active readers, I've had quite the busy schedule. Let me know what you think!

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