cold hands

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    As the Cullen's gazed down at the girl, they had noticed the way her hands trembled and wrung themselves. A part of all of them felt pity at the sight of the anxious girl, and as she looked up at all of them with her doe like eyes, exposing her face, they could tell she was going to get quite the attention around here. Alice had bounced back to the group, a large smile directed at Jasper that screamed excitement. Jasper however did not once glance away from Lila, at this Alice seemed to buzz with even more excitement for her best friend.
Edward cleared his throat obviously trying to diffuse Lila's uncomfortableness with everyone standing so still. "Lila I'd like to introduce you to the rest of my siblings, this is Emmett" Edward gestured to the quite possibly, giant in disguise, who smiled at her and raised his fist for a fist bump, which Lila hesitantly returned. "Nice to meet you Lil's." Emmett smiled relaxingly to Lila who shyly retorted with a "nice to meet you too." Edward continued, "this is Rosalie, Jasper's twin." To the rest of the Cullen's surprise, Rosalie gave Lila a soft smile and greeted her with a nod. "And finally this is Jasper."

  As Lila looked up at Jasper she was surprised to be met with such an intense gaze. Feeling a slight pull to him she gave him the best nervous smile she could manage in the moment, her heart sped up as his face light up like Christmas lights. "Hi Lila it's a pleasure to meet you." Jasper swooped up Lila's hand shaking it softly as she remained stunned by the sparks she was receiving from the touch of his cold hands. "Um it's nice to meet you too Jasper," she paused but opened her mouth to say something else until the bell rang. A feeling of dread and fear washed over her as she looked wide eyed at Bella, she was beyond nervous. "Do you mind if we see your schedule?" Alice piped up from where she was energetically shifting from one foot to another. "Of course not, here" Lila slowly slid her hand from Jasper's shyly as she reached for her schedule handing it to Alice shakily. The rest of the family glanced over her shoulder surprised to find mostly AP classes. Alice grinned before handing Lila's schedule back to her. "Looks like you have AP U.S History with Jasper and Edward, Spanish and P.E with Rosalie and I, and the rest of your classes seem to be with Bella." Still feeling nervous but a little less frightened Lila nodded and quickly adjusted the bag on her shoulders before looking to Bella. Bella nodded with a smile took hold of Edwards and Lila's hand guiding them towards the school.

  Lila sat in her seat swinging her legs as she anticipated seeing Bella at lunch. She was currently seated coincidentally next to Edward and directly in front of Jasper, glad to have been sat next to her, who she hoped to call friends. Finishing up her notes from her history lesson Lila began to pack up her supplies when a cold hand touched her shoulder. A bit frightened Lila swung around only to meet the eyes of Jasper who gave her an impish apology smile before speaking. "Would you like to sit with us at lunch?" Lila's eyes widened a fraction before she smiled warmly, unknowingly filling Jasper with a euphoric feeling, before nodding her head. Lila was surprised to find she was enjoying the company of others besides the small Swan family. As the bell rang Lila picked up her bag before following the patient Jasper and Edward out of the classroom, before tensing in realization. She was the new kid, and she was going to have to walk in front of everyone at lunch.  Edward looked back at Lila after skimming through her thoughts concerned, "come on Lila it'll be alright, we'll meet Bella at the cafeteria." Lila nodded as she looked to her feet, she was still extremely anxious as butterflies rattled her stomach.

  As Edward had said they met Bella at the doors of the cafeteria, waving Bella side stepped her boyfriend before coming over to Lila, looping her arm through hers. Taking a deep breath Lila and Bella walked through the doors held open by Jasper, who Lila quietly thanked before stepping through. The reaction of the students was not as bad as Lila had originally thought, the horror story situation she had planted into her head had not come true. Feeling slightly better Bella guided Lila to what she assumed was the Cullen's table and sat down. The rest of the family sat in places around her which included jasper on her right. And as Lila expected the questions came out. "So where did you move from? You sound a bit southern." Rosalie looked at her questioningly, "I originally lived here but moved in with my grandparents in Georgia before returning here." Lila took a quick sip from her water bottle before looking up. Rosalie nodded her head with a slight smile on her lips before Emmett leaned over towards her with a mock serious expression, "what's your favorite sport." Chuckling a bit feeling the normal tension diffuse out of her she responded quietly while tucking hair behind her ear, "softball, I used to play a while ago." Emmett nodded in acceptance like she had just passed a test. Innocent questions were thrown left and right
What was her favorite color?
A soft blue.
What was her favorite book?
She had too many.
What type of music she liked?
  She would listen to jut about anything.
And so on, she was a bit worried on if they would ask about her family life, she knew she wouldn't be able to answer and would lock herself away immediately. But thy didn't, they seemed to sense the danger of those questions. Before she knew it the bell rang and she continued on with the rest of her classes with Bella, being the nervous new kid her teachers took sympathy on her and sat her next to Bella, which she was extremely grateful for. Once the school day ended Bella and Lila made their way outside to where Edward and his family, aside from Jasper, were waiting at their car. Being as clumsy as she was Bella slipped on ice coming down the stairs, bringing Lila down with her. Landing on her backside with a grunt she huffed at the embarrassed Bella before breaking out into a hysterical laugh which Bella found extremely contagious. Edward made his was over helping Bella to her feet. Lila gathered her things with a wide smile as hand was placed in her line of sight. Following the line up his arm and to his face Lila gazed at the charming smile the strange boy had on his face, not who she was expecting. Letting her smile drop to a more reserved and shy one Lila took his warm hand and let him, with little effort on his part, haul her to her feet. Brushing her hands on her jeans she looked back to the boy before thanking him. "Haha looks like you fell for me, the name is Mike Newton. You're Lila Kingsley right?" Lila instantly felt uncomfortable in his presence, though she could tell this boy was harmless she still didn't like being around strangers like him. "Uh yeah, it's nice to meet you Mike." She offered him a small uncomfortable smile as she wrapped her arms around herself. Mike opened his mouth to say more but cut himself short as his eyes fell on something behind her. Her coat was suddenly wrapped around her shoulders along with a cold hand that rested on her arm. Looking up at the man who had her tucked under his arm she was surprised to see Jasper looking back down at her. "You left your coat at lunch, I apologize for startling  you." Jasper then looked to Mike his eyes seemed to harden as he looked him up and down. "Mike." Jasper nodded in stiff greeting to the other teen gaining a bit of satisfaction as Mike shrank a bit under his gaze. But Jasper was still struggling a bit to keep his blood lust under control, so he resorted to holding his breath. "Let's get you to Edwards car before he leaves without you hm?" As Jasper gave Lila a sweet smile she found herself smiling back before giving a nod. Looking to Mike she said a polite farewell before letting herself be guided by the arm over her shoulder to the beautiful family waiting. And for the first time in a while, felt comfortable with someone's arm around her.

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