anxious encounters

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When Lila woke the next morning Bella was lying next to her, hair was strewn across her face as she was twisted in an uncomfortable angle. Lila had to stifle a laugh as she looked at her best friend, they had fallen asleep talking to each other when Lila didn't want to be alone. She appreciated the patience Bella had for her, and for the fact she was here for her on her first day at Forks High School. Bella had mentioned that her boyfriend Edward would be picking them up that morning, as he always did and was happy to give her a ride as well seeing as she didn't have a vehicle of her own.
Lila gut twisted and dipped, she was beyond nervous for her first day. She thought about the awful possibility of if they didn't like her, but also weighed the lesser of two evils, what if they did like her? Lila wasn't a big 'get to know you' person, her friendship with Bella was confusing enough, she didn't even know when the girl became her best friend let alone how.
As Lila looked over to her chair she looked at the clothes prepped for her first day, were they too formal? She looked from her soft baby pink lace rimmed tank top to her oversized brown, white, and pink chunky knit warm sweater to her blue jeans. "Don't even think about changing what you're going to wear, it will look gorgeous on you." Bella cut her out of her inner conflict with a sleep ridden voice. As Lila looked over she couldn't help the chuckle that left her mouth and she watched Bella practically fall off the bed. Glaring at her, Bella stretched before making her way to the door only to pause and call over her shoulder "remember a jacket today it's going to be a little colder that normal!" Lila sighed as she threw the comforter off her legs and made her way to the clothes, taking one last look she stepped into the hallway to glance over at Bella emerging from her room, a sudden competitive urge overtook her senses as she nearly sprinted to the only bathroom in the house. Hearing the protests of Bella close behind her she gleefully laughed as she slammed the door and locked it, loud bangs outside the door startled her for a moment as she froze. Hearing Bella's voice along with the bangs she started to relax from her sudden negative adrenaline rush, letting out a loud laugh Lila started the shower and tried to rinse her worries away.

Lila practically gaped at the car sitting in Bella's driveway, she knew little to absolutely nothing about vehicles, but the one in front of her had to be expensive. She thought the man that stepped out of the car himself had to be quite expensive as well, she personally had not expected Bella to land herself such a looker or even a boyfriend at all. Bella wasn't the type to flirt or go out on dates, she was well... Bella. Meeting the eyes of who she could only assume as Edward, she became surprised 'that's not natural, but yet it's quite interesting.' Edward gave her a smile and his smile grew slightly as he saw the shorter girl give out a small shy smile and tuck her hair behind her ear, surprisingly enough to him she didn't smell. At least not in a appetizing sort of way, more like the woods after rain, and for that he was in all ways thankful. He hoped she would have the same effect on Jasper, so maybe she wouldn't have to get involved into his world in the ways Bella had. As he reached out a hand to greet her he was surprised to find how small her hand was, and how cold it was compared to Bella's.
Lila reached her hand out to Edwards greeting and nearly flinched at how cold his hand was, but keeping her expression and thoughts indifferent as to not accidentally react in a negative way, he gave her a confused look before giving her a smile and introducing himself, "hello I'm Edward Cullen, you must be Lila I presume?" Surprised at his formalities Lila stumbled over her words, hands shaking, becoming quite nervous as she was caught off guard, "yes I'm um I'm Lila, it's nice to meet you. And thank you very much for the ride." Bella soon came out of the house placing a platonic kiss on Lila's cheek before hugging her boyfriend, thankful for the distraction Lila took a deep breath before she played with the rings on her slightly irritated fingers, she needed lotion. Walking to the car as Bella called out to her she slowly slid into the back seat, the car thankfully was already warm and as soon as she clipped her belt the car was sliding into reverse and she was on her way to school.

As Edwards's car pulled into a parking spot Lila couldn't help but notice the amount of attention that was drawn to the vehicle alone. Had word gotten out that she was riding with him? Was it just Bella, himself, and his car? Or was it also due to the other four unnaturally beautiful people standing outside? Lila got even more nervous and distressed as she stayed in the car, clutching her hands together as tight as she could she thought she would be sick. Bella looked back at her and placed a warm hand on top of her knee, "Lila look at me, everything is going to be alright I promise." Looking up at Bella with child like eyes Edward couldn't help but notice how absolutely terrified she was, he didn't need to be an empath nor have a telepathic ability to see she was ready to bolt. Yet as she and Bella both interlocked pinkies, he could see Lila physically relaxing and he was glad she wasn't so scared anymore. Lila gave me a shaky smile as she slowly opened the door, we had gotten to the lot a while before the first bell rang to ensure Lila would have a chance to adjust to the staring before her day. And as soon and eyes were laid on her, Bella and I knew it was surely going to be a long day.

Lila couldn't help but feel extremely uncomfortable as people shamelessly turned around to stare and point her out. She felt about ready to throw herself back into the car and demand or ask that Edward take her back, but she unexpectedly felt a wave of determination and tried to convince herself that she could make it through the day. Bella locked her arm through Lila's and guided her over to the rest of the Cullen's, hoping to introduce her to the people she spoke so much about. "Good morning everyone, this is Lila." Bella uncharacteristically smiled as if she had just won a medal and was proudly showing it off, "it" in this case being Lila. All the Cullen's felt a sort of sudden protectiveness for the short girl standing in front of them, as she fidgeted with her hands the feelings only grew, not due to the shocked empath amongst them. "Hi Lila I'm Alice! We're going to be such great friends!" Alice energetically pulled the girl into her arms surprised when she didn't feel the slightest bit of thirst. Lila on the other hand was absolutely astonished at the pixie like girls attitude and sudden affection, she felt a slight bit uncomfortable but felt a bit of happiness that she was being welcomed so easily.

As soon as Edwards's back passenger door opened he knew he was in for a ride. His eyes followed the foot that stepped onto the damp ground up the denim clad legs to the cute sweater and finally up to the beautiful hair that shielded her face from him. Jasper's hand twitched at his side longing to push it back to reveal the face of his mate, but he was suddenly astonished at the fact he didn't have any thirst for her blood, she had no appetizing sent, only the intoxicating sent of vanilla and rain. He stood frozen in awe as Bella guided her over to them all, closer to him. "Good morning everyone, this is Lila." He stood blatantly staring at her, and as her big doe eyes looked up, Jasper knew he was in trouble.

This one is a tad bit longer, let me know what you think of it (: hope you enjoyed.

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