Canada's P.O.V

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As I rubbed circles around my brother's back, I felt the same fire in my eyes when I'm playing against someone I dislike in hokey.

Russia......oh, Russia. If I could find you as quick as light, I would have made your eyes in to hokey pucks.

I took a deep breath and calmed down. "What should we do, England, France?" I asked softly although that isn't how I felt.

"If I had it my way, I would have destroyed that bastardz." France muttered looking furious.

"The bloody twat. We should just comfort America for the day. He still needs to show up for the world meeting. It's best he is as happy as he can be." England replied stroking America's hair.

I nodded. "Right. Let's move him to a couch near a T.V and we can all watch a movie. Until America wakes up, we can decide on what to do when we see Russia." I suggested.

France and England nodded and we all carried America to the couch and discussed what to do.

We concluded that we let America talk to Russia but if we get a bad feeling, we have the right to step in. And if Russia does something even worse...well, we don't what'll happen.

After an hour or so, Alfred began to stir and then woke up. "Hey Alfie, we think it's best if we all just watch a movie or something." I said softly.

America gave a sad smile. "Thanks."

We watched ALL of the Harry Potter movies, ordered pizza (though France wanted to order snails) and we all eventually slept in a queen sized bed. Alfred and I in the middle with France hugging me and England hugging America.

It was all for America but...I enjoyed it. A lot. It was nice to be noticed. That's why I went to bed with a smile on my face.

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