America's P.O.V

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" okay dude?" I asked him. He looked pretty upset, glaring at a spot I didn't get a chance to see yet. "Ya, I'm good." He replied. I cocked an eyebrow but let it be. I don't think if I asked, it would be any help. 

My food came and I ate, talking with everyone expect Prussia. He was still in a bad mood. I thought while slurping down my Coke. What could he possibly be upset about? I glanced in the direction he was looking at. 

Russia? Really dude? I glared into my soda. I just want to be done with this whole affair. It still kind of hurt but I'm just tired of it. What of it got in the way of taking care of my people? I couldn't afford that. 

I decided that once we were done, I would tell Ivan that we could be... friends, but not together. I mean, clearly, he doesn't care so why should I? 







"Come on Amerika, let's go," Prussia said. A lot of countries had already left, so there wasn't much noise. I nodded, forgetting to talk to Russia. As we stepped out of the restaurant, I hear an all to familiar voice. 

"Sunflower, may I talk to you?" Russia asked...well, more like stated. I froze but relaxed. "Sure dude." "Ameri-" Prussia began to say but I stopped him. "It's fine." I walked over to a spot farther from Prussia with Russia. 

"What do you want to talk about dude?" I asked. He smiled. "If I could explain things...I didn't mean to, please, won't happen again. It was a need that I lost control of." He tried explaining. 

No one could understand the feeling of wanting to accept it. Just to be with Russia again. It was a force so great, I almost said I forgave him and went home, leaving Prussia behind. Then I thought, we had only made (what England had taught me to say) 'love' once. Just once. That kind of dawned on me. 

"Russia, why do you love me?" I questioned. He seemed surprised at the question but answered it. "Because you're not afraid of me. You're good to hang around with. You're my comrade." 

Then I thought, comrade? Friend..."Russia, I don't think you love least, not like I thought it was." I said bluntly. He looked like he had just been hit with a car. Or a Russian winter. "What do you mean?" 

I laughed. "I mean like, maybe those feelings of yours were friendly feelings, dude. Like you know, comrade." I explained. 

He looked like a lost puppy but I think he slowly realized. "So...I thought of you as a friend?" He asked. I nodded. It hurt to admit it, but I think that's how it was. It just... kind of made sense. Weirdly. 

"...We can be friends, Da?" Russia asked after what felt like a minute. I nodded again. "Yeah, cold dude." I guess...I don't know what else to say! This is just getting awkward and I want to leave! 

I felt his embrace and I accepted it. "So we're on good terms now, right?" I asked. He nodded and I left. It was just...weird. I don't know why. Only two days ago I was crying about it...I think. And now, here I am, great America, just walking away and feeling peaceful. 

"What did he want?" Prussia asked. I explained what had happened and he gave me a weird look. "You seem much calmer. Are you okay?" He asked. 

I smiled and nodded. Geez, I nod a lot. "Good, let's go back." 

Yeah. Okay...I'm good. Just, again, it's odd. 

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