3rd Person P.O.V

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A day passed with the countries hanging out with others and life went on. The next morning, the morning of the meeting, America sighed as he got up. 

He woke up at 10:00 and dressed in his usual outfit and whatnot. He just stared at the mirror, focusing on his glasses. "Russia is not a problem. China is not a problem. I'll just do what I have to do and that's that." He said in the mirror. 

Actually, he felt a lot calmer. He was getting over it. "I mean...Russia didn't harm my country. All is good" He grinned. Maybe he could present his ideas. That could be a good way to start somewhat fresh. His people always were on Tumblr or something and writing things about starting new. 

It was 10:50 and America went out and got a taxi, heading to the meeting. 




It was 11:45 when he arrived. The taxi driver had gotten lost and repeatedly apologized to Alfred but Alfred wasn't annoyed. More anxious but still generally calm. He got out of the car, paid his fare, and walked in. 

Every country had their eyes on Alfred (including Russia but he didn't notice that). Alfred gave everyone a big goofy grin. "Awww, were you guys waiting for me? That's so cool dude! Let's get this meeting started, yeah?" He announced proudly. 

Germany was the first to respond, nodding his head. "Now, we skipped some countries in terms of their problems. Those countries are Canada, Norway, America, and Japan. I am aware that some already presented some ideas in terms of global warming, but now it's their turn for personal problems." Germany said loudly. 

An unknown country raised their hand, "Who is Canada?" they asked. America chuckled, putting an arm around Mathew who he was currently sitting next to (without Russia sitting on him). "My bro! Best one you could ask for really!" Mathew smiled softly waving a little. "Ah, sorry." The unknown country responded. 

So every country listed their problems. Norway had none at the moment, Japan had some copyright issues, Canada didn't have any real problems except with some American immigrants, and America just didn't want to present. 

The obesity rates. 

That was the only major issue that America had, even though several other countries out-ranked it, it seemed America was the most known for it. 

"Amerika? It's your turn.'' Germany said. Alfred thought about it for a second. "No major problems here! Just minor ones my st- president and I can fix." He said cheerfully. Germany gave a nod of acknowledgment and continued on.

They talked about preventions to war (funnily enough, France and England started arguing) and economics. Finally, the meeting was over. 

"Okay, so, you all can just meet at the address on the white-board," Germany pointed to one next to him," and it's closed. Just say your human names and you'll get in. Other than that, you can go. Dinner starts at 7:30."

Countries started exiting out of the room. Alfred slowly walked out, wondering what to do until then. Maybe I can hang out with Denmark? He thought. 

"Ah! Amerika!!! Want to hang outz with the Awesome Prussia!!?" Prussia called out. Alfred turned around and smiled. "Sure dude! What do you want to do?" 

Prussia's smile fell. "I, uh, well, the Awesome Prussia did not think of that..." He responded quietly. 

America laughed. "It's okay...we can think of something to do!" They both smiled at each other quickly and went out, discussing what to do.

However, Russia was watching his little Sunflower the whole time. He knew he messed up, but a small twinge in his chest was noticed as he saw Prussia laughing with America. Just like he used to do. "Kolkolkolkolkolkolkol." 

Sorry for the wait! Some things kind of had to be taken care of and, again, I had a general idea of what to write, just no exactly how to do it. So, next update will be this Sunday! After my Attack on Titan episode though. Things have just gotten interesting.

Anyway, until Sunday!

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