3rd Person P.O.V

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Prussia didn't know whether to tell Alfred about what had happened in the hall or keep quiet. I just have to make sure he doesn't see Ivan afterward and everything will be fine. Prussia thought. He decided it was a good plan and tried to make sure he looked presentable and not like he had just angered Russia. 

Prussia knocked on the door a couple of times to reveal a half-dressed American. "Alfred...you know ze awesome Prussia does not judge when people walk around their room half-naked but...uh..." Prussia managed to say. Alfred's eyes widened. "Oh, sorry dude. I just fell asleep and I just barely woke up." He said.

Prussia gave a chuckle. "Okay, why don't you change in the bathroom and I'll wait for you in your room?" Prussia suggested. Alfred nodded and went to do just that. Only when Prussia looked at himself in the mirror did he realize he was very red. 

Alfred came out wearing something similar to what Prussia had except he had no jacket and he had a white button-down. Plus, no boots. His hair was actually pushed back and he looked pretty formal. Much more than Prussia, at least. 

"Mind telling me why you're so serious." Prussia joked. Alfred smiled. "I would wear what I normally have but...uh...England's there and he gets pretty peeved if I don't dress up at dinners." Alfred said shyly, much to Prussia's surprise. 

He grinned. "You're such a mommy's boy.'' Alfred turned red. "I-I am not! I just simply need to look good! A hero must always look presentable in front of the civilians!" He defended, puffing out his chest a bit. 

The two stared at each other then laughed. Alfred glanced at the time. "6:29, we should get going, huh?" Prussia nodded and the two exited the building and got a taxi. 

They arrived at the restaurant at 7:15 since it was quite far away. Prussia noticed some countries were already there. When the two went inside, they noticed Japan, England, France, Canada, China, Germany, Italy (the both of them), and Australia were sitting a very long table. 

England came up to them with France. Canada close behind. England smiled. "Finally, you were something appropriate. I've told you so many times." He said while fixing Alfred's hair. Alfred grinned. 

England dressed similar to Prussia, just with a white button down. France looked the same and Canada- Oh boy, Canada looked very similar to America. The only way you could tell which one was which was by their eye color.  

"Mon cheri, you look so similar to Mattie now," France said, looking over the two. Alfred put an arm around Canada. "So not true! Canada and I two different people, right bro?" Canada smiled softly. "Yeah. But remember when we both dressed in brown overalls and England couldn't tell which one of us was which." 

Alfred laughed. "Yeah, Iggy was totally clueless." He stage-whispered that to Prussia. "Alfred! I told you not to call me Iggy! That's it, young man-" England said while pulling Alfred's ear like he was two years old. They sat down at the table, England scolding America while he grinned. 

Soon, all Canada, France, and Prussia sat down. Canada on Alfred's right, England on his left, Prussia on England's right (which Prussia was somewhat disappointed about), and France on Canada's left. They all started talking about random things, talking with the countries that were there. 

After a few minutes, more countries showed up until all of them were there. "So, you can all order whatever you want! It's all on me." Germany announced. They were all silent, trying to pick out what to eat. 

Russia, who sat farthest from America, was eyeballing him. Oh, Prussia doesn't want to follow my orders...kolkolkolkol...I thought I told him to leave Amerika alone. Well...he isn't exactly close to him but still...

Prussia noticed that same cold, tingly feeling. He looked down the table to see Russia smiling at him. Prussia glared back. As if you care for his well-being. "Canada, what do you want?" Alfred asked. Canada pointed at Spatzel. "Cool, I want this thing called...Schnitzel." Prussia looked at the menu once more and decided that Konigsberger Klospe was his choice. 

They all ordered and talking began. Alfred conversing with France, England, and Canada, and Prussia staring down Russia. 

It seemed as if the two were in their own sort of version of the Cold war. 

Prussia...this is unacceptable. I love Alfred...so, so much. He's the one that finally didn't make me feel lonely. I made a mistake, I'll be the one to fix it. But I can't do that with you in the way. 

Russia. You screwed up. Bad. You don't deserve him if it was that easy to lose your control, needy or not. 

China noticed the look on Russia's face. In all honesty, he wants to try to maybe form a bond with Russia. He still loves him and, although he regrets what he did because he didn't exactly want to make America feel bad, he won't give up. China then looked to where Russia was glaring at with a smile on his face. 


Prussia was glaring right back yet...China didn't know why. Then it clicked. Was it because of Alfred? 

Does Prussia like Alfred?  China questioned. He was about to think about it some more until Japan asked him a question and the two began to have a conversation. 


This is released on 9/11 and so I'd like to say that I hope the people that died have a happy afterlife. We may not be able to change what had happened, we can never forget. 

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