America's P.O.V

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I didn't want to see Russia but...when I did, I first felt sadness, and then I wanted to send a nuclear bomb at him, then I wanted to drown in my own tears...

I felt nervous and uncomfortable so I just left. When I stepped out of the building, England was waiting outside the door of the car we all came in.

"Alfred, there you are. Let's go. Before Russia comes." He said. I stepped in but gave a shaky laugh.

"I'm out of luck this time, Iggy. He found me and...I-I think we're over. I didn't say it but...I think so." I announced.

We were silent. "We can stay over as long as you want, Alfred." France replied.

I smiled. "I don't want you guys to be sidetracked, you have work to do day wouldn't hurt? Right?" I asked.

Canada smiled. "Of course."

Hey, what's up? It's your boy, uh, Skinny pencil...

Anyway, I have some questions, is that cool? Cool.

1. Should I make the chapters longer? I mean, I dunno.

2. Should Prussia x America be a thing. Like, I REALLY like the idea of having the FACE family a thing so UsUk, France x America and America x Canada would be kind of weird...

Also, I haven't seen a lot of Prussia x America (probably a good reason why but IDK) so maybe I could take this fanfic in that direction?

Plus, if you haven't noticed, my first time writing these types of stories. I usually do my original stories but I haven't published those here. So, please excuse me horribleness.

WELL, that's all! Goodbye!

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