3rd Person P.O.V

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America went to sleep after arriving home. He woke knowing he had one last free day before attending to important matters. The president was kind enough to let him have a day off. "'Bout time too." He muttered.

His boss was okay. Some mistakes, okay, fine. But the dude really wanted him to work. Kind of sucked. He turned on his phone to see four missed calls. America cocked an eyebrow up wondering who could've called him. 

America checked and found out one was from Denmark and two from Prussia. He wanted to call imeaditly back so he forgot to check who the fourth missed call was from. America pressed Prussia's number and called.

"Hallo~? It is the awesome Prussia!"

Alfred grinned. "Why hello Prussia! It's me, the hero!"

There was silence then a distant voice. "Hey, it's America!" Prussia said, not to America but to Denmark who was in the background. "Finally!" 

America chuckled. "Sorry, I had turned off my phone. Y'know, planes."

Prussia laughed. "True. Well, we are in your country, hoping you have a day off." Denmark said, getting closer to the phone. 

America got excited. It was a while since the awesome trio were last together. "I do have one last day off, where are you guys? I'll meet you two up!" There was a ring at the door. "Ah, hold up, someone is here," America said before leaving to go answer the door. 

He opened the door to reveal Prussia holding a phone with Denmark right behind him. "Right here is fine to meet up, right?'' Prussia asked. They all started laughing as America nodded. 

After getting comfortable, Denmark had asked a question America was hoping not to answer. "So...as your most awesome friend-" Denmark began before being interrupted by Prussia, "Ah, Denmark, you are forgetting I am right here." Denmark rolled his eyes. "One of your most awesomest friends, I contacted England. You did not seem good at the world meeting...would you mind confirming what England might have told me?" He asked.

America froze up before reminding himself that these were his friends. He could tell them, no worries. "Well...you see...it's about...Russia." America said uncertainly. He went on to say what he had seen, what he had told England, France, and Canada, and what had happened after the world meeting.

America held his head up high, trying to keep a calm composure. Prussia made a weird noise in his throat that sounded like a bird about to kill something. Prussia already disliked Russia and this just made everything worse. He had not felt anything towards China but this was not a good start. Denmark was not pleased. At All.

"America..., when are we murdering Ivan again? 8:00, 8:30?" Denmark asked. America laughed bitterly. "We can't, he's a superpower, remember?'' 

Prussia glared at the wall. "Doesn't matter, America. I would take him on. That is just not awesome." Prussia said forcefully. America shivered slightly. He remembered when Prussia trained him. It was like...like torture. Hell.

"Easy there, Prussia," Denmark said. America put a hand on Prussia's shoulder then on Denmark's. "It's fine. Aurthor, Matthew, and Francis helped a lot. I'll be fine. Thank you, though, so much." America said gently. 

Denmark nodded and smiled. Prussia calmed down but was still upset. "Anyway, why don't we watch a movie and talk about stuff, sound good?" Denmark suggested. America laughed happily. Prussia snapped out of his little 'mad phase' and nodded, smiling a little. "Sure. What should we watch, America?"

America thought of something good to watch. 

"Forest Gump?" America suggested. It was a good movie. Prussia nodded. "Yeah, that's perfect! Can you go get the movie?" He said. "Sure!" America got up to go get the movie. "Run, Forest, Run!" Denmark yelled. Prussia cracked up and fell over. "Awesome!"

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