Chapter 6 - Sorry

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Joshua's POV

I woke at 1:47am to someone screaming like they saw a monster. I opened my eyes and saw someone standing above me and I screamed back in fright.

I couldn't see properly cause I just woke up, but this person began throwing things at me and they really fucking hurt. And before I knew it, the door flew open and Maria and Lucia came into the room. The person who was screaming finally calmed down as Maria came in.

"Honey, I didn't know you were coming back home tonight." Maria said to the previous screaming person.

"I came back early and I wanted to suprise you guys." the person said. Hold on, she sounds like a girl. Could this be the mystery daughter?

"Yeah you really did, sis." Lucia said sarcastically.

Sis? Yep, this is the owner of the room I've been sleeping in.

I gotta say she has a good arm to throw with.

I robbed my eyes and finally got my eyesight back to normal. I saw Maria and Lucia in the their Pjs and an average heighted girl, slightly taller than Lucia, with huge light brown hair tied in a ponytail and a curvy figure. Just looking at her from behind, she's kinda hot. Not being pervy, though.

"Umm, Joshua, this is my eldest daughter Leiria" Leiria. Beautiful name. Exotic. "Leiria, this is Joshua." Leiria turned around and we were finally face-to face. She turned from hot to beautiful in seconds.

Her caramel skin colour, big hazel eyes and lucious, kissable lips. I paid no attention to her body shape because her beauty immedietly took my breath away. Again, I was dumb founded.

"Hi." I said with a shy voice. She looked at the ground, I guess she's a little shy.

"Hello." she replied back looking towards me. She had a quiet, small, angelic voice.

She was staring at me with an unsure look. I couldn't figure out why. Is it becaise I'm a stranger sleeping in her room?

Then I looked and remembered I'm shirtless. Great, what a good first impression. I quickly grabbed the first I could find, which was my red T-shirt and I quickly put it on.

"He's going to be staying with us for 6 months to do a business internship." Maria explained to Leiria.

She didn't look happy, but she didn't look disappointed either, yet she looked down the floor with shyness. So cute, but a little awkward for the both of us.

"Well," Maria continued, finally breaking the silence. "I think we all a surprising evening and I think we should all go back to bed. Leiria, do you mind sleep with Lucia as Joshua's room is not ready yet?"

"Sure Mum, no probelm. Let me just get some PJs." Leiria replied.

Maria left Leiria's room, followed by Lucia.

Leiria went towards her dresser and grabbed a pair of grey sweatpants and sports bra. I wanted to clear the air.

"Umm..." I began and she looked right into my eyes. I lost my words for a second looking into those big hazel eyes. "I'm sorry about all this." I apologised.

"Oh, it's okay. Don't worry about it." She replied. "I'm sorry for waking you up."

"It's cool."

She smiled and began walking towards the door. But she paused.

"I know your gonna be staying here for a while, but please don't bring any girls back as respect for the other females in the house, especially my mother who welcomed you into our home."

She doesn't have to worry about that, now that I have eyes for only one girl, and she's right in front of me. I nodded in agreement. She nodded back and sent me a smile.

"Well, goodnight" She said.

"Goodnight." I replied.

And she left the room and closed the door behind her.

I took off my T-shirt and headed back the Leiria's bed and began thinking.

So, that's the mystery daughter.

Caramel coloured,

about 5"2,

sweet but feisty personality.

That's my kind of women.

But I'm not gonna try anything....


Leiria's POV

I headed to Lucia's room and closed the door. I saw her bathroom light on and I went inside to find her washing her face.

I looked at her with a smile on my face, she turned and smiled at me. We ran towards each other and hugged tightly. God I really missed my little sister.

"I missed you, sis." Lucia said.

"I missed you too, sis." I replied and kissed her on the cheek. She hates it when i do that.

"Eww, okay not that much!" she complained. But I know she still loves her big sister.


Me and Lucia stayed up for 45 minutes catching up on what happened to each other for the past week.

She told me about what she and Benji have been doing. I really want them to be together, they're so cute.

I told her about what me and the gang have been doing and what happened with that Italian perv Daniel.

We laughed and joked, I missed these sister moments.

Then a bomb dropped.

"So, what do you think about our American visitor already?" Lucia asked.

A number of things actually...

His tan skin,

Sexy six pack,

Beautiful blue eyes.

"Eh, he's okay I guess. I can't really judge him without actually knowing him." I said bluntly.

"Well, all I can say is that he's pretty cool but boring for an American boy." Lucia told me.

"Well, I guess it's because he's not used to being on the other side of the pond."

"True..." my sister replied. "Well, goodnight sis."

"Goodnight." I said quietly.

As i was drifting off to sleep, I began to think...

How can I be able to live with a guy again?

Can I trust him?


So sorry for the late update. Been busy with uni and work.... Next update, really soon. I promise

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