Chapter 1/AN

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HEEEEEEY, It's been a while. Finished my GCSE's and I got a really good level in English literature - A* - which is really good considering I thought I was gonna fail. But anyway here is the first chapter/short preview of the second book.

Head up though, this book is gonna be different, it's going to be a lot more tidier than the last concerning plots and stuff. There will probably be mature themes again such as violence and gore. And, I'm going to be really mean in this book, don't hate me after...


Debris littered the Throne room floor, as did rotten vines and pink ribbon. A couple of thrones had been destroyed, each one was crumbling still as I stepped into the scene. My sceptre began to glow as I felt shivers tumbling down my spine. They were gone.

The Olympians had disappeared.

Red crimson blood splattered the floor near one of the thrones, alerting me of a mortal being here. The blood stood out like a red rose against white snow in the Throne room, and my mind immediately went to Annabeth, she'd probably escaped and tried to attack but failed. And what's more, she wasn't alone. I could feel a trail of power, extreme power that probably rivalled that of Gaia. Menoetius? It was definitely strange to have a beast like him make it this close to the Throne room and not be spotted. Slowly, I stepped forwards towards the closest broken throne - Hephaestus - and dragged my finger through the blood. It was definitely recent. 

Glancing towards the other side of the room, I saw that the small side door to get to one of the Peace Gardens had been broken off, the sides had been smashed into the Throne room. Menoetius had come through the door probably, along with Annabeth and then started to attack. My guesses after that was that the Gods fought back and the Hermes probably flashed them away. But where was the question. If it was me I would go somewhere near to Alaska. Yes it was true that our powers don't work in Alaska, but what they don't tell you is that within a mile to the border it strengthens your power. Surely Hermes knew that. I was about to investigate further when there was a quiet crumble of debris behind me.

"P-Percy?" A quiet voice muttered. Startled, I rose my sceptre and rapidly swivelled around only to come face to face to Hestia who cowered under my stern glare. Immediately I dropped my sceptre to the ground and softened my look.

"Hestia, what happened?" I urged, lightly placing my hand on her shoulder. Tears welled up in her eyes. She may be an Olympian but she is fragile seeing as she was not a fighter. "It's OK, I won't judge you if you cry."

"I was just so scared. I'm a coward, I hid! I wouldn't blame you if you came to judge me. I shouldn't be an Olympian, what's  the point if I'm too scared to fight," She cried out, a couple of tears falling loose from her eyes as she wept. I took a deep breath, not really knowing what to do as she sobbed. "Now I don't know where they've gone, they could be dead for all I know. They could be slaughtered."

"Dead?" I asked, keeping sympathy in my voice as she continued to speak. 

"It all happened so quickly. The wretched Demigod escaped from her cell and brought along Menoetius to come fight us. At first my family were doing well, but when Menoetius broke free from Dionysus I ran like a scared mouse. And now you're here and they're not," she continued, before bringing her hands to her face and violently crying. My heart really went out to Hestia as she took a step forwards and rested her head into my chest. Right now she needed a hug.

"It'll be OK. Not everyone is made for fighting. Hermes has most likely taken them all to the border into Alaska so they can be more powerful, you have no need to worry about them. But for now, I heard my mother is on Olympus in a house to be protected from the fates. How about you go and spend some time with her. Tell her I sent you and asked her to make some blue cookies." I comforted. Hestia needed to be away from this place, and my mother could help to calm her down. 

" cookies?" Hestia asked through quieter sobs. 

"My mum will explain everything," I chuckled, pulling away from Hestia before clicking my fingers, sending her to my mother. As soon as she was gone I put my stern face back on, biting my lip and shaking my head. I struggled to wonder how Annabeth had turned into such a savage monster over the years. And how had I not spotted it, I had been her boyfriend. It was my duty to protect Olympus and I've failed. Closing my eyes, I reached my mind out to the one person I knew I could trust. Artemis. "Artemis, you're going to want to come to the Throne room right now!"

Within moments of messaging her, the room lit up with a silver flash. It the dulled down to reveal Artemis with her bow in one hand and some arrows in the other. But she dropped both when she saw the place.

"W-what happened. Where are they?" She ordered, stepping forwards as she evaluated the mess. "Percy?"

"Menoetius and that bloody Athena spawn," I growled out, feeling anger bubble in my chest as I stepped towards Artemis. She shook with vexation as I grabbed her hand, attempting to calm her mind a bit - much like my ability to drive some mad, I could also make people calmer and more sane. "They attacked, Hestia saw it all. I think they're on the border of Alaska. Don't worry, they can handle him for now. It'll be OK."

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