Chapter 2

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Annabeth POV (Before the disappearance) 

Foolish. Idiots. The lot of them. They should remember that I made these cells, I know how to get in and out, I know the patrols off by heart. If i'm being honest, I'm kind of glad I got taken here - maybe I could kill a God, or even better an Olympian. 

Giggling, I stood up from the dry dusty floor and brushed myself down - the shackles were still firmly attached to my wrists, making life extremely difficult. But It's OK. I can break free. I'm good at breaking free. I'm trained to break free. Even if I have to cut off my hands, I will get out. I skipped over to the rusty metal door and peeked through the bars towards the top, the closest guard was right next to my door, standing emotionless and holding a spear next to him. He reminded me of them strange English soldiers in red. 

Boring job.

"Hey, hey. Excuse me, Can I leave now?" I asked politely, getting his attention by clicking my fingers near his face. 

"Prisoner get back from the door," He sternly replied, turning his full body to face me and batting the door with the end of his spear. The door only rattled slightly as I gripped the bars, bringing my face straight up to my hands and grinning.

"But I've been a good girl," I whined, tilting my head and putting on a pout. The soldier smirked, before leaning forwards a little bit, probably cooking up a snide comment. But before he could, I saw an opening. A chance. As soon as he was within reach I thrust one arm through the bars and grabbed the collar of his uniform, violently pulling him towards the door with a loud thud. He went limp in my hands, unconscious. Swiftly I caught the spear before it fell too far and held it before dropping the soldier to the floor. "I did ask nicely."

Without hesitation, I got into a sitting position against the wall and placed the spear between my thighs making sure it was steadily held. I then rose my arms to the top, making sure my shackles were held directly over the blade. Snap. The shackles were off. Nice and simple. 

"Come on Annabeth, use those acting skills from school," I muttered, placing spear next to the door so it was out of sight. I then reached up to the bars again, taking a deep breath before screaming. "HELP, Someones escaped! Help me!"

It didn't take long for a reaction, overlapping voices and feet smacking the ground grew louder as probably a dozen soldiers made their way towards me. 

"We have a man down, you three take him to infirmary. You two look down that way, you two go down that way. Be on high alert. The rest of you crescent moon, block the exits. Prisoner 3486, stand back from the door, inspection due to suspicion of holding a weapon or contraband," Someone ordered, their voice loud and clear as I discreetly grabbed the spear and stepped back, preparing myself for the shit about to go down. Clicks resonated around the room as the key wedged itself into the lock on the other side of the door, unlocking itself. 

As soon as the first one entered I was quick to kill him, plunging the spear deep into his chest as he made a gurgling sound - probably choking on his own blood. 

"Prisoner! Put the spear down!" One cried, the others gave surprised yelps. 

"Nope," I giggled, leaping over the dead body and towards the others, already swiping the spear cleanly across another guards neck, blood spraying outwards towards me but I dodged it expertly. Someone leapt towards me but I quickly rolled backwards, boosting him towards the wall so he rammed himself into it - I could hear the satisfying squelch of his head collapsing. The fight lasted about a minute, each guard trying and failing to stop me. These were supposed to be Olympus's finest. The last guard that came through the door stopped almost immediately, dropping his spear and falling to his knees as he cried. He looked to be only just eighteen?

"Please, please. I don't want to die!" He wept, cowering under me as he lifted his hands to protect his face. "I'll do anything, just don't kill me. Please!"

"Working here is a death wish, it was a foolish decision," I growled, kicking his spear upwards and catching it. Lifting it, I prepared to strike. But then something clicked. Something shifted inside me. "You could be useful to me yet though, get up!"

He scrambled to his feet, keeping his head low as he shook - probably from fear. "Please don't kill me," He muttered, fiddling with his fingers. I batted his helmet off of his head with the end of the spear and studied his face. He didn't look too bad. He had pitch black hair and honey yellow eyes. He looked lean and athletic, maybe he knew how to fight. The most interesting thing about him though was the two scars he had on each cheek - it looked as though a knife had been driven straight through his face. 

"Can you fight?" I questioned, looking at a dagger in his belt. He rested his hand slowly on the hilt, nodding his head. "Will you fight for me?"

" work for Menoetius don't you?" He slowly asked, keeping his voice quiet as he slowly looked up. "Are you...are you escaping? I can help you, we are siblings after all."

"Siblings? You are a son of Athena?" I questioned, smirking as he smiled a little bit, bowing slightly. "So I can trust you. You wouldn't betray a family member would you...?"

"Danny," He finished, telling me his name. "I have to admit, I have always wondered if I could join you - I just never knew how to get to you," I could hear him take a shaky breath as I stepped forwards, peeking out of my cell. "I hear Menoetius is marching for Camp Half-Blood as we speak. Is this true?"

"No. An army of monsters are heading there - Menoetius isn't too far away, he's waiting for me to get him in. Shouldn't take too long. When remodelling the layout of Olympus I managed to successfully create a 'backdoor' so to speak. He can just slip through when I open it. And then we will attack the Olympians, kill them all and take over. Then we will retrieve Janus from Tartarus and use him to mark this as a new beginning for the Greek world and keep him as our little pet to ensure our future as rulers is safe and sound. It is almost certainly a fool proof plan and I can taste victory," I giggled, getting extremely giddy with excitement but I couldn't get too giddy - it might distract me which is not good. I looked back at Danny who smiled, nodding his head in agreement before grabbing a spare spear from the ground and nodding.

"Shall we go then?" He questioned. I nodded and smirked, turning away and walking out of the door. But then it went all wrong. 

Pain exploded across the back of my head as I groaned out in pain, completely caught of guard. I felt sluggish as I turned around to look at Danny. He grinned, preparing to strike again.

"Thank you for the information Annabeth. And I lied by the way, I'm not a child of Athena. I'm a child of Eris, I honestly thought you'd be harder to fool than this," He trailed off, before shrugging his shoulders and whacking me with the spear.

And then I was out.

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