Chapter 11

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I woke up the next morning with a pounding hangover from the night before, my head and hand rested on Paul's bare chest in his bed, his arm around me snugly. My cheeks flushed remembering the night before.

I looked up to Paul's face, seeing he was already awake, gazing down at me admiringly.

"Good morning." He sounded groggy as a wide smile peaked on his lips.

"Morning." I replied shyly.

The noise of the doorbell ringing sounded after a moment, causing Paul's smile to falter.

"I'll be right back love." He spoke wearily as I moved off of him so he could get up.

He got out of the bed and put a robe on over his body where only boxers were worn, leaving the room to answer the door.

Looking around the room, I didn't see any of my clothes from yesterday, deciding to grab one of Paul's button up shirts, buttoning it up and going to peak out of the bedroom door to see who was at the door.

"You never showed up last night so we're just checking to see if you were still alive, no need to get all defensive Paulie." I heard John Lennon quip.

"Well, I'm alive." Paul answered flatly.

"Aren't you going to invite us in?" I heard George ask smugly.

"That is unless he's already got some company." I saw John walk into the living room passing Paul.

"Here birdie birdie." John teased whistling.

"Knock it off John." Paul groaned annoyed.

I gulped watching the scene go down. I wasn't sure if Paul wanted me to sneak out the back window or hide but I hadn't much time to choose before John had spotted me through the slightly cracked open door.

"I spy something pretty and wearing Macca's shirt." He smirked catching George's attention.

The two of them stared at me from down the hallway in the living room. I looked at them feeling like the walls were closing in on me, frozen with fear.

"She has a name John." George elbowed him in the ribs for being rude.

"Charlie." I spoke up trying my best to express none of my fear that was eating away at me.

"Well we don't bite, come 'ead." John motioned for me to go over to them.

I looked over seeing Paul's tense expression as he glared at John.

Walking down the hallway apprehensively, my face grew extremely hot with every step.

"John don't-" Paul began.

John rolled his eyes behind his big orange sunglasses.

"Hello Charlie, it's nice to see you again." George half smirked, his eyes briefly scanning over my attire.

"It's nice to see you too George." I spoke meekly feeling increasingly more uncomfortable and insecure, Paul's shirt not even reaching my mid thigh.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing in a place like this?" John said wheezing out a laugh over exaggeratedly, poking fun at Paul.

"Quite the line from a married man." I responded with a small grin jokingly, recollecting that I'd seen on the Ed Sullivan show a couple years back the subtitle "John: Sorry Girls, He's Married" popping up when introducing him during their performance.

"Since when has a relationship stopped you before huh?" John joked with a wink making me furrow my brow in puzzlement.

I couldn't quite understood what he meant by his statement, but by the time my lips parted to ask, Paul cut in.

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