Chapter 25

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August 29th 1966, San Francisco, California.

It was the last stop on the boys' tour, all of them growing exhausted of the routine and becoming restless, itching to finally be done with it all and go home.

I wish I could say I loved listening to the boys preform every night, but the screaming made their playing nearly impossible to hear. Even though the crowds had diminished slightly from previous tours because of the controversy surrounding them, there were still enough to make sure the boys were barley even audible.

"Good luck." I spoke to all of them from the door of the baseball stadium where they were to exit onto the field.

"Good luck kiss?" John batted his eyelashes innocently, sticking out his cheek with a large smile.

"Keep asking every performance and one of these times I might just have to do it." I cocked an eyebrow sarcastically, crossing my arms teasingly.

"That's what I was hoping for." He nodded with a more sincere grin, as I'd caught him off guard slightly.

I watched for a moment as they all gathered themselves before realizing Ringo was gazing at me mindlessly.

"I'll be waiting for 'I Wanna Be Your Man', Ringo." I whispered underneath the rest of the boys' talking with a playful wink, seeing him grin with a shy shrug.

From the corner of my eye I noticed Paul puffing out his chest toughly. It was apparent he didn't like when I gave any of the others attention, but it wasn't like I wanted to be with any of his mates.

I was just being nice to make sure it wasn't strange that I was sitting in on their tour, none of them really having known a lot about me before we started.

"Ready to do this lads? Last time for awhile." John grinned sarcastically as he was the most excited of the bunch to be done with the tour, turning to them as many men began to escort them away.

"Thank god." I heard George mutter underneath his breath as he passed me, giving me a quick nod and a grin.

"Ready." Ringo nodded lacking his usual enthusiasm, picking up on the other boys' energy.

Finally Paul gave me a quick glance before passing me, not bothering to say anything before he left.

The screams of the girls became louder as they all stepped out from the "backstage" area. Paul seemed to have put on a chipper exterior as they all waved, seeming to push away whatever sort've frustration he'd had toward me moment ago. All the boys seemed to put on smiles although how exhausted they all were, waving around at everyone.

I worried for John's sanity, many people threatening the Beatles whilst being in America for the controversy. I could tell how much it weighed on John although he would never dare to admit it. I saw through his exterior, I saw through all of them to who they really were.

The show had gone great, yet the boys were all frustrated beyond words after the show. The screams of their fans had drowned them out completely, and I could tell it was really getting to them.

That night we went back to get some sleep before our return to London tomorrow, and I had barley said a word to Paul since we'd gotten back.

He came out of the bathroom after taking a shower to rid himself of the large amounts of sweat that had drenched him throughout the show. He only wore a towel around his waist as he began rummaging through his luggage for some pyjamas.

"Paul?" I asked from the bed, reading through a book.

He hummed in response taking a glance my way.

I set down the book to the side, scooting down to the end of the bed.

"You trust me, right?" I inquired needing reassurance.

It seemed around his mates he thought I was a cheat, but he should've known well that I would never do something like that to him.

He looked back to me wordlessly, his wet hair dripping with water onto the floor as his mouth gaped open slightly.

My face twisted with shock at the amount of uncertainty seemed to be evident through his features.

"Fine." I thrusted my tongue in my cheek with fury beginning to light under me as I stood up, walking past him to our hotel room door.

I placed my hand on the door knob just as he spoke.

"Where are you going?" Paul demanded sounding suddenly sorry for his lack of trust in me.

"I don't know, maybe across the hall with the rest of the boys who I so clearly want to shag, right?" I spat as I felt myself shaking with frustration.

After all we'd been through I would expect that maybe he wouldn't be as unconfident in me as he was.

His expression dropped further before he spoke.

"You can't just run away from your problems all the time." He became frustrated, immediately looking like he wanted to take his words back once they'd left his mouth.

"So that's what this is all really about then ay? My engagement?" I scoffed. I should've known it was more than jealousy, things hadn't all been completely normal after he'd found out.

"I dunno." He spoke shyly, looking away from my eyes.

"You're just like the rest of them." I groaned out in vexation.

"Am not." He puffed out his chest childishly looking back up to me defensively.

I crossed my arms, leaning back against the door.

"Are too." I looked at him more calm than before, staring at him with a large scowl, knowing he was right.

I had run from most of my problems all my life,  but I knew I couldn't do that to Paul, now more than ever. I knew he was insecure about my past, but I was insecure about his too. It was a delicate topic but It was clear all we wanted to do was be with one another.

It was silent between the two of us as we became deep in our own thoughts.

"What do you want me to do about it Paul? I can't go back and change what happened." I closed my eyes tightly afraid of what the answer might be.

"Then let's plan a future." He decided with a satisfied nod, a smirk finding its way through his features.

A small grin peaked involuntarily on my lips, surprised how fast the mood had shifted between the two of us.

I couldn't really stay mad at that cute face for long, even if he was being a git.

"What do you mean?" I shook my head slightly unclear about what he meant exactly.

I liked the fact he thought that we had a future to plan together, but I wasn't sure what he had in mind.

"Move in to Cavendish with me." He grinned smugly.

"I've already told you, I can't-" I began clamming up shyly.

"You can and you will." He pointed at me with the towel he had previously wrapped around his neck before going back to the bathroom door with pyjamas in his arms.

"Paul-" I began sounding weary.

"Lalalalala-" He plugged his fingers in his ears shutting the bathroom door behind him.

I smiled to myself. I guess I would be moving in.

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