The Lads

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Sorry lovelies!! I have been pretty busy ad havnt been able to update :( But I am in the zone and am ready to write :D



Marys POV:

I climb out of the car followed by Louis. He decided to take me to Harrys room, to make sure I dont get lost. I really appreciate it but I think it will make the situation a little awkward. I mean, Harry is obviously unconfortable around Louis right now, you could see it onstage. When Louis tried to mess with Harry during WMYB, Harry tensed at his touch. It was strange, but i dont think the crowd noticed, and if they did, Tumblr must be exploding right now. 

I am brought out of my thought by the ding of the elevator. We all climb into the cramped elevator. I didnt even notice the huge crowd of Directioners in the lobby. I turn to Louis and he gives me a reassuring look, he knew I didnt think I could do this. "You will be fine Mary, he may not even ask you." He says, it sounded like he was trying to tell himself more than me. 

"Louis, it doesnt feel right doing this to him." I look at him, hoping he will give this up. Before he could even respond the doors flew open, and Niall runs in followed by an annoyed Liam.

"Hey guys! Want to come with us for some Nandos?" Niall whipser yells, trying not to let Paul hear. 

"No thanks Ni, Mary has to go talk to Harry, and I am exausted." Louis looks at me and winks. Liam caught on and shook his head laughing.

"What are you dragging Mary into Lou?" He asks. Louis just shakes his head and drags me out of the elevator. 

After a sprint down the hall, and an un-necesary brake check from Louis, we arrive at Harrys room. "Good luck out there" He says with a wink and runs off. I watch as he stops and runs backwards to me. "Im going to have to take your number." He says with a childish smile. I write my number on his hand and wave him off. 

I slowly reach for the knocker on Harrys door. Here goes nothing. I pick up the knocker and before I could let go the door swung open, revealing a stressed out Harry. He drags me inside and slams the doorI. I swear I saw steam coming out of his ears. I follow him with caution as he paces in the sitting area. I slip into a seat and he stops in his tracks.

"Look at this book." He says while pointing at a photo album on the table. The cover says Harry. I open it slowly. The first page is a picture of Harry and Louis during the X-Factor, followed by many more. It suddenly turns to in the recording studio. I look up at Harry, who is looking down at the photos with his chin in his hand. I continue through the photos. There are photos of them ar signings and concerts, backstage, but all of them of of Harry, or Harry and Louis. 

"Did you make this?" I ask, the second it left my mouth I regretted saying it. He crouched down next to me, inches from my face. 

"Do you really think I would make this?" He asks in a whisper yell. He stands back up and starts pacing around the room. 

"Louis made this." I say, He nods. "Whats the big deal?" He looks at me as if I am clueless. He shakes his head and sits next to me.

"I was looking for Louis before we left for the concert, I was going to apologize for that night. But I found this in his closet. I looked through it and I got so mad. Im not sure why, because it is quite flattering really. But..." He pauses, I try to obsorb everything he was saying. "I felt as if I had found an entire new side of him, and I thought we new every side of eachother." 

I was speechless. I couldnt even start to explain how he felt, because I wasnt quite sure myself. We sat in silence for a couple minutes before he sighed. "What are you going to do?" I ask. I wish I could help, I really do. But I dont know how.

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