And Then There Were Seven

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Hey everybody!

I decided after this chapter whoever leaves the best guess for what going to happen will have that chapter dedicated to them :)

Dont forget to Comment and Vote!!



Marys POV

"Mum! I was going to tell you! I just had to talk to the lads and Kaylyn first! Is it ok with you that I go?" I ask, almost begging.

"Of course you can! Your 18 I think you can make these decisions yourself! I will put money on your card for you while your gone. Be sure to tell me everything thats going on!" She says almost excitedly. Kaylyn and I are both in shock. I dont even know how to answer.

"Thats mum! Ill text you before we take off! Will you send our luggage down to the lobby? Paul will get it from there." I smile into the phone. I know she cant see me, but I know she knows im smiling.

"Of course! have fun Mary! Watch over Kaylyn, Ill deal with her mum." 

"Thanks mum, bye!" I hang up. Kaylyn looks at me and we both fangirl. Niall walks over and puts his arms around our shoulders.

"Well girls, Lets go!!" He shouts as he drags us out to the van. We all climb in and take our seats. "Off to the interview!" Niall screams. We all cheer along, this is gonna be interesting.

Kaylyns POV:

Are are all in the van on the way to the interview. I am sitting between Niall and Louis, with Nialls hand in mine. He seems nervous. "You ok?" I ask as we pull up to a large building. There are litterally hundreds of directioners outside. He looks at me and sees in terrified. Liam climbs out first and runs to the building, followed by Louis and Zayn. 

"Mary! Our turn!" Harry shouts and pulls Mary out of the van, she gasps and freezes in front of all of the people. Harry pulls her up to the building, and has to carry her up the stairs. Niall looks at me then makes his way out of the van. He reaches a hand out to me. I took it and was instantly pulled out of the van.

"Run!" He shouts and we both take off for the door. He grabs my hand as the directioners make our path narrow, and more security has to come in. By the time we got to the door we were both out of breath. I think I may be deaf from the screaming. Niall looks at me and smiles, I smile back as he takes my hand and leads me to his dressing room. "Kaylyn, can I ask you something?"

"Anything." I say while grabbing a handfull of mini marshmallows off the table.

"Will you go on a date with me?" He says quietly. I look at him with cautious eyes. Did he just say what i though he did?

"Give me a place and time and I will for sure." I say while sitting down next to him. He looks away from the floor and straight into my eyes. He was looking for something, but shortly gave up when a wide smile grew.

"Really? Ok! how about before the concert we go to Nandos? I mean I know its not the perfect first date place but..." I cut him off.

"It sounds perfect." We both smile and hug eachother. This day has been perfect so far.

Marys POV

"Harry.." I stop the breath as we are both running for his dressing room. He didnt even stop once we were inside. "Slow down!" I laugh. He suddely does a break check and I slam straight into him and tumble backwards. I look up and see him frozen. I look at what he his looking at. It was a woman, who was rather old. She was walking straight towards us and once she got close enough, I saw that she was Caroline Flack. "Harry," I whisper as I stand up.

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