Chapter 2

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Zamasu: I two are going to PAY for what you've done.
Goku-Black: that so, but do tell me. Have you taken a look in the mirror lately?
Zamasu: What?
Zamasu had looked down towards the polished marble floors to meet a reflection that wasn't his own. All he knew...was that he wasn't in his own body anymore.
Zamasu: Impossible! H-How did you two do this?!
E-Zamasu: We used the Super-Dragon-Balls silly. The body you now possesses belongs to Son-Gohan. Specifically when he was in his prime. Now just to let you know, he was in his "prime" when he was a teenager.
Zamasu:...So you two decided to shove MY soul...into the body of a Saiyan-Hybrid teenager?
E-Zamasu: Well you are our contingency plan after all.
Zamasu: Excuse me?
Goku-Black: You see, we're trying to fulfill something called The Zero Mortal Plan. It's heart breaking to see a world so scarred. But a purge is necessary. I can see a bright shining future out there. Once it's free from the Mortals who defile it, like the vermin they are!
It won't be long until their planets are reborn into my utopia. My image! *Chuckles* Those Mortal scum, my final judgement will FINALLY be upon them.
Zamasu: You seem so sure of yourselves...If that's the case, then why do you need me?
E-Zamasu: You need to join us of course. You are to be ready at a moments notice in the unlikely chance that Black and I are...killed. You-
Zamasu: No.
   Both E-Zamasu and Goku-Black stood by each other in shock. This was not the outcome the pair would've hoped for.
Goku-Black: Why?! We're all the same person. Don't you hate Mortals just as much as we do? Can't you see that they spread nothing but misery across the universe?!
Goku-Black: Guh...
Zamasu:...I've seen for myself what Mortals are capable of. What they're capable of becoming. Over the thousands of year that I've been alive. I've witnessed Mortals rise from NOTHING! Even when the odds aren't in they're favor, they always find a way to make it through the most difficult of times...
   I think I finally understand what's going on now. You two are afraid of them aren't you? You're afraid of the potential that they possess.
Goku-Black: *Sigh* It would seem that we've made a "mistake."

Zamasu: ACHH?!...GAHH!
   Zamasu looked down in horror, as Goku-Black had his hand going right through his chest.
Zamasu: W-What? What doing?
Goku-Black: Didn't you hear me?...I'm correcting my mistake.
E-Zamasu: *Sarcastically* we have another "mess" to clean up. Did you really have to do that Black? We could've just brain-jacked him you know?
Goku-Black: No, other me. He forced this upon himself. Now he's going to reap the consequences...And that consequence is DEATH.
Goku-Black: Oh, calling quits already?
E-Zamasu: Enough Black...He's already dead. Let's not defile his body any longer.
Goku-Black: Fine. *Looks back at Zamasu's lifeless body* Rest In Peace. You insolent fool...


                                    The Void:

Zamasu: So...this the end of line for me huh? I couldn't even protect my Master from myself. And all because of what? An alternate version of me's hatred for humanity?!...Well, I guess It's time for me to finally rest...forever.
???: No...
   Zamasu eyes were wide open now, but he still couldn't see anything in the darkness of the void. He knew something was there, he could sense it.
???: Your story doesn't end here child.
Zamasu: Huh? What are you talking about?
???: There is still much you have left to do. People you must meet...A world that you must save. This is your second chance, please do not waste it. Good luck...My love...
Zamasu: Wait?!
   He was quickly cut off, as a bright, blinding light had engulfed him in It's radiance.

*Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep*
???-1: Congratulations Ma'am! It's a boy...Have you come up with a name for him yet?
???-2: I have. Welcome to the world Zander. My little light.



*Knock, Knock*
Inko: Zander? Sweetheart It's time to get up. Remember, you have school today?
Zander: Mmmmm...alright mom. Give me a minute and I'll get Izuku up, alright?
Inko: Okay honey. Please let her know that I have breakfast ready downstairs.
Zander: *Yawn*
Hey there! My name is Zander Midoriya. And like 45% percent of the population, I am a Quirk-Less Male. Or at least, I am considered to be Quirk-Less. You see, I am the direct reincarnation of Zamasu. All my past memories seem to still be intact. Somehow, I still possess the body of Son-Gohan as well.
It's all still very strange to me. Considering the fact that I'm actually older than the people around me by at least two thousand years or so. Another thing is...I now live in a female dominated society. Meaning that if one really wanted to.
A girl could literally just walk up to a man and be like. "You there, your mine now...make babies with me." I know It's a weird concept, but I see it happen every now and then.
*Knock, Knock*
Zander: Izuku! It's time to get up. We've got less than thirty minutes to get ready, eat, and get our butts out of the door!

Zander: Alright, I'm coming in!
Zander opened the door to her room, and immediately made his way over to the blinds. Ready to open them up if she continued refusing to get up.
Zander: Three...Two-
Izuku: I'm up, I'm up!
Zander: *Chuckles* It's funny how the younger sibling is the one who has to wake up the older one.
Izuku: H-Hey! *Pouts* That's not funny.
Zander: Alright, your right. I'm sorry sis. Get ready for school and meet me downstairs. Moms got breakfast ready.
Izuku: Okay...Love you.
Zander: *Smiles* I love you too sis.
   Zander had exited his sisters room and made his way back over to his own, so that he could grab his clothes and get ready for whatever the day had in-store for him. Once he finished getting ready for school. He went downstairs and ate breakfast with his sister. After they finished, he washed they're dishes, grabbed they're things, and left for school.
Inko: Good bye you two. I love you! Have a wonderful day at school!
Izuku: We will mom!
Inko: Zander?
Zander: Yes mom?
Inko: Please watch yourself out there. Remember that you are old enough for "that" to happen okay? They're are a lot of crazy women out there.
Zander: *Sigh* I will mom...Come on Izuku. We don't want to be late on our last day do we?
Izuku: *Smiles* Nope!


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2020 ⏰

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