Chapter 1

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???-0: UGGGG?!...OWWWW!...What the heck guys!? What's your problem, I thought we were friends?
???-2: *Scoffs* Our problem? Do you hear that boys?... You honestly don't understand what's going on here...It's pretty simple really. Our "problem" is you shit-stain! And to top all off, you really believed that we were your friends.
???-3: *Laughing Historically* Really?! You actually thought we were friends? Why would we be friends with someone like you? Use your brain loser. Wasn't it your father who was responsible for nearly ENDING all of existence as we know it!?
   How can we be so sure that you won't turn out the same way as he did? All it would take is one little snap, and you might up and turn your back on all of humanity.
???-0: *On the verge of tears* Y-You honestly think I want to be a-anything like him after what he did to my mom?! You're dad is a monster! A sick twisted freak, who's retarded ass ideology. Almost destroyed all life on this rock in the first place. But, it doesn't mean that I deserve to be treated like this!
???-1: Of course it does! You and that megalomaniac share the same destructive powers. All of us witnessed that atrocity, he tried to commit that day. If it wasn't for Rosé, I probably wouldn't be standing here right now. And despite all of that..." his" blood continues to course through YOUR veins! Your not even worth the time...Remember this well, your nothing but a freak who represents everything wrong with this world. Let's go guys.
   The teen watched his assailants leave the area. Once he knew they were gone, he dried up his tears, dusted himself off. And got up off of the gravel he was thrown onto. At that moment...all he felt was anger, hate, and pain. But he didn't act out on these emotions.
   All that would do, was prove them right. Although, throughout this entire ordeal. He never seemed to notice that someone was watching from the shadows this entire time. This person was at a complete loss of words. The actions of those kids only proved his predecessor right about his opinions on humanity.
   The man in question had watched the teen slowly make his way over to the edge of the wall. Where he had put his back against, as he slowly slid down on until he was sitting down on the concrete flooring.
???-0: "Why? Why is my life like this? I never asked to be born! But I am. Every.Single.Day! It's always something new with these people. Why can't I just be happy? Why can't I just live in peace?! All because of what HE did. Why can't I just be judged on my actions like everyone else?"

*Gust Of Wind*
???: That's an excellent question kid. One that a lot of us need to ask ourselves more often. It's definitely one that I used to ask myself a lot, the funny thing is. I still haven't found an ideal answer. However, the answer itself is a very simple one.
   Of course, spooked. The teen had quickly sprung up off of the ground, trying to identify the person who had gotten the jump on him. However, the person he saw standing in front of him wasn't the one he would have ever expected to meet. Especially not in a scenario like this.
???-0: N-No way! Your...Rosé! But, what are you doing here?... Everyone thinks your...dead. And at this point, I'm not even sure if I'm hallucinating this or not. We watched you evaporate into nothing that day. Y-You've been gone for a long time now.
???: I know...I thought I would've stayed dead permanently after a battle like that one myself. I lived up to my true purpose...or at least I thought I did anyway.
???-0: Huh?
???: Oh, nothing. Sorry *rubs the back of his head* Apparently, I've been dead for almost eleven years, so I'm still trying to play catch up with everything right now. (How am I gonna explain this to the girls though? Will they even remember me?)
???-0:...Right...So does anyone else know that your back yet?
???: Nope. I needed to make sure that I found you as soon as I..."got back." Also...I'm sorry about everything.
???-0: What?
???: All the harassment that you've had to deal with thus far. You don't deserve it, you never did. Your father was a very evil and cynical person. Believe it or not his ideas weren't half bad. Well, except for the whole "wipe out all mortals" part.
???-0: You knew a lot about him, didn't you?
???: Indeed I did Jurojin. Your mother...gave you such a beautiful name.
Jurojin: What?...Y-You know who I am?
???: Of course, I do child. Technically, you are my responsibility after all.
   The legendary Hero walked closer towards Jurojin until they were just inches away from each other.
Zander: Before I explain any further, my name is...Zander. Zander Midoryia. But my real Zamasu.
   Jurojin's eyes ran wide, not out of fear, but curiosity instead. Zander was actually surprised at how he took that kind of statement. The kid was oddly...calm and collect. Just standing there, waiting for him to continue...talking.
Zander: Essentially your father and I are the same person. At first, I thought that we just came from different timelines, but instead. We also came from different multiverses entirely. Where I came from, I had different factors in my life that stopped me from becoming what he did.
Jurojin: What do you mean?
Zander: At first, I hated mortals just as much as he did. At first, I thought that they weren't even capable of appreciating what the GODS have given them in the first place. The only things I saw them do was lie, deceive, murder, and just flat out turn on each other. And don't even get me started on GREED. However, my first and biggest mistake, was labeling them as..."all the same."
Jurojin: How'd you figure that out?
Zander: Unlike in your father's case, my mentor was able to actually get through to me. He showed me the good that humanity could do. And what the consequences would be like, if we didn't have them around. But HE showed me the real potential that mortals held within themselves.
Jurojin: Who was HE?
Zander: His name...was Son-Goku. A very interesting person. Energetic, trustworthy, funny, strong-willed, goal-oriented, you name it. But the thing that set apart from everyone else was the power that he possessed. The first time we meet, we had a little spar. I beat him of course, but he didn't go down easy as I first thought he would.
   At the time, he was being trained by an Angel of the seventh universe. I wanted to know more about him, so I offered to show him some more refined fighting techniques and strategies. He accepted my offer, and we went from there.
Jurojin: What did you learn from him?
Zander: He taught me something important. Something that my mentor wanted me to learn on my own time. He taught me...balance. That good could not exist without evil, and vise versa. He told me that I had to stop fantasizing about the future, and look at the real picture. Focus purely on the present and nothing else. Permanent peace never existed. And that's just as true for GODS as it is for mortals.
Jurojin:...I have a request.
Zander: And what is that little one?
Jurojin: I would like to know your whole story. I want to know how you became the legendary Hero you are today.
Zander: Are you sure? It's...very long.
Jurojin: Please.
Zander: *Sigh*...Fine. But let's at least fine a more comfortable area for us to do this. Preferably a more "clean and sanitary" environment. We've been standing in an alleyway filled with garbage for the past 15 minutes anyway.
   Jurojin looked around the area for a second, before realizing that he shared Zanders sentiment.
Jurojin: What do you have in mind?
Zander: Hmmm?...What about a rooftop? Plenty of clean air, plus you can't forget about the views that this city offers.
Jurojin: *Chuckles* That's very true.
Zander: Then it's settled. Now grab my hand.
Zander held out a open hand to Jurojin, who hesitantly accepted it.
Jurojin: Why di-
*Instant Transmission*
Jurojin: d you that?...C-Could you always do that?
Zander: Of course I could. I use to use it all the time. Very convenient in sticky situations. Anywho, why don't you sit down and get comfortable, so I can get this story on a roll.

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