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I don't talk much,
I don't usually smile
I don't socialized with others,
Coz i am afraid to get hurt,
To be rediculed and judge,
To be left and stay behind.

I am ashame to share,
That i use to live in fame.
Idolized and praised by many,
The topic of news daily.
People used to cheer me,
Shout out my name with glee.

I am no longer that girl,
Living with luxury and fame.
I no longer their idol,
Who dance and act in a show.
I am now nothing in their eyes,
No money, no house, no cars.

The girl, they use to know,
Is now living like a shadow.
How can i tell who i am,
The one they persecuted,
They abandoned and rejected,
When i was accused of faked.

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