Taehyung put on an alarm the night before which had awoken the boys at the same time in the day. Jungkook ruffled his hair and looked at the beautiful human next to him. "Another day. With nothing to do. Namjoon seemed to be a bit lonely, less lonely though since he likes to talk with my dad about science. A thing my dad works as and a job that Namjoon wants to achieve. But maybe we can hang with him today?" Taehyung nodded, thinking of just the plan."Namjoon hasn't talked to his mother in a long time. And she can probably get here soon if she takes a train." Jungkook widened his eyes. "Really?! He would love if he saw him mom after so many years!" Taehyung took out his phone, who doesn't have Namjoon's mom's phone number?! She is one of the nicest women anyone has ever met and very caring.
He dialed her number and waited as the phone began to ring. "Good morning mama kim." Namjoon's mom or as everyone likes to call her "mama kim" smiled answering Taehyung in her slow, soothing and quiet voice. "Good morning, sweetheart. What makes you call me at such a time?"
"Well, for that. We made need you to do something that may last for a few hours."
Taehyung giggled, holding onto Jungkook. Mama kim will be at the home in 20 minutes, and during the time of waiting 7 hours of her to get from Tokyo, Japan to Sangdo-dong, Seoul, they have been enjoying their time with Namjoon.
A quiet knock was heard from the door. "Namjoon? Can you get it from me? Please?" Namjoon could never say no to Tae, so he walked to the living room. He opened the door and saw mama kim wearing layers of clothes over her body to cover the cold. She was still beautiful, looking like she was still in her mid-twenties instead of her late fifty's. Namjoon covered his mouth as tears threatened to fall from his eyes. He stuffed his mom into a bear hug, kissing her forehead multiple times. He broke from the hug, wiping his falling tears. "I-It's been 6 y-years! H-How did you—"
She interrupted her own son. "Thank the two wonderful boys behind you. They made me decide to actually come over." Namjoon cried and cried, wanting to get rid of them. He brought mama kim into another hug, but this time bringing Jungkook and Taehyung into it. "I love you all so much." He looked the the younger boys. "I can't thank you enough" Jungkook patted Namjoon's back. Go to the café with your mother."
Namjoon agreed taking her out of the house with him. "All the things that Namjoon has done for us, i'm glad that we've done something to make him smile."
The two boys enjoyed themselves the same way that Namjoon has been with his mother. Their deed was done.
a.nagain, i didn't post on time. i'm sorry, i was so tired that i fell asleep before i finished! please forgive me as i keep messing up!
i promise i will try harder next time

𝙢𝙮 𝙛𝙖𝙫𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙘𝙝𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙢𝙖𝙨 𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙚𝙣𝙩
Fanfiction❝All I want for Christmas is you.~♪❞ ➳ j.j.k ❝Shut up and kiss me already.❞ ➳ k.t.h