The two boys woke up in the guest room that they slept in. "Do you want to work on you christmas gift for me?" Tae flustered, asking the boy who was laying above him. "I do need to work on it. Maybe you can hang out with Hoseok, Jin, and Namjoon? Taehyung agreed."But i also want to stay with you." The younger said, lacing his arms around Jungkook's neck. Jungkook smiled at the boy, showering him with butterfly kisses. "I wish I can, but it's important." Tae pouts and doesn't argue with Jungkook, letting the man get off of him.
Jungkook left the white room and went straight to his room where all of his supplies are at. "Maybe i should go to the mall today." He agreed. "Taetae!" Taehyung ran out the room towards his best friend. "Yes, Kookie?" "I'm going to the mall, so when I come back wait for me to put the stuff away before giving me a huge hug like usual." Tae laughed to cover his flustered state.
Taehyung gave Jungkook one last embrace before leaving off into the guest room with the three boys. Jungkook just left the room the house with his keys, money, and his phone.
He got into his car and drove off, blasting Jennie's "Solo" while singing/yelling the lyrics. It was fun, but he usually does this with Tae, so it wasn't as fun as it usually is. Non-the-less, he got to the store finally turning down the song after screaming the lyrics out his car.
It was hard to find a parking spot as many parents were here getting last minute gifts for their children. Or people who forgot to get their friend a gift and is going to grab the first thing they see when they walk in, most likely being a rotten orange at the bottom of the tower.
But aNywAys!! Jungkook walked into the mall, going past many people and to find the toy section. He knew where it was as he's been to the toy section many times. Not for him. But for Taehyung.
There he saw it. A giant and fluffy bear for $70. After immediately spotting the fluffy stuffed animal, he took one of the few and and took it. The life size bear was actually life size, being a little taller than Jungkook. 6 feet tall. It didn't matter that it was $70. He just remembers when Tae has always wanted one. I mean Jungkook always wanted to be Taehyung's life sized teddy bear to cuddle. But he is going to buy one just because.
He only bought the teddy bear before going to the lane. Finally, Jungkook got to the lady and gave the teddy bear to her to scan. She took the barcode from the bear and scanned it, flashing the amount of money. "Is that it?" She looked up at Jungkook, only to receive a small nod. "No thank you." "I hope your boyfriend or girlfriend likes your gift" She winks as Jungkook blushed. "$70" Jungkook took the amount of money and gave it to the girl. "And would you like to spend just $1 for the rainbow children's hospital?" Jungkook agreed, taking more than the certain amount and gave it to her. "Thank you very much, kind sir."
Jungkook took the bear and quickly left the place, putting the bear in the back seat of the car. He drove home excited to see his Taehyung.
He reached home, opening the door and quietly taking the bear and putting it in a closet downstairs. Tired, Jungkook walked to the living room falling onto the couch while closing his eyes, not paying attention to the boy who laid next to him, kissing his forehead and mumbling a quiet "goodnight"
2 days till christmas
— rushed near the ending as it's almost midnight😂
do you like the gift Kook got Tae? I was going to go how most life size bears are which is $114, but I went a little cheaper.
i hope you enjoyed this part!
all love

𝙢𝙮 𝙛𝙖𝙫𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙘𝙝𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙢𝙖𝙨 𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙚𝙣𝙩
Fanfiction❝All I want for Christmas is you.~♪❞ ➳ j.j.k ❝Shut up and kiss me already.❞ ➳ k.t.h