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So I ended up not going to school for the next two days because dad wouldn't let me out of the ROOM until late Thursday night. I never knew how bad my dad hurts me until he lets me out the ROOM so I can go take a shower. I look into the mirror and see my eye was slightly bruised, hopefully no one will notice tomorrow. I had bruises up my arm and around my hips and stomach. It's always been like this; I do something he doesn't like and he treats me like shit.

I get into the hot shower and my body instantly relaxes the aching pain I have. I'm so afraid to go to school tomorrow maybe I just won't go then maybe some of my injuries will heal a little better. When I was little I used to be his little princess, that part is true. He would do anything for me or get anything I wanted. Then when I turned 6 everything changed. He began drinking more often than usual and leaving me alone at night and sometimes not eating at night because I couldn't cook for myself. Then as years past I learned how to cook and started cooking for myself when he wasn't around and then I would cook for him when he is home, but then he started yelling at me for no reason and making me clean the whole house. I think its because mom died. I don't remember much of her she died when I was 4.

When I turned 13 that's when he started the physical abuse. It started with a slap on the cheek when I talked back to him and then it progressed and that's when he renovated the guest room into THE ROOM. That's all I ever called it; it wasn't a guest room anymore. It was always kept locked so if we had guest no one could get in and see what was inside. The first time I was sent to the ROOM I didn't know what was going to happen, but that was when I got my first injury: a broken arm. He took me to the hospital and he told me to lie about what happen; I didn't want to get in more trouble so I said I was riding on my bike and fell on my arm even though I haven't had a bike since I was 6.

"Jessy get out of the shower now!!!" Dad yelled at my bathroom door. I sighed and turned off the water and stepped out. I dried my myself and my hair and put some pjs on. I jumped into bed knowing I won't be eating again tonight. I think dad started abusing me because I look so much like my mom. He used to say I look like her but I never knew how she died; he'll never tell me and I don't remember. Hopefully I can sleep in tomorrow and skip school so I can heal. Last thing I do before I fall asleep is take the picture from my pillow and kiss it goodnight.


So I slept through my alarm and my dad's yelling for me to get up, but I woke up when he burst through my room and pushed me off the bed.

"I said get your lazy ass up; your going to be late for school. Now I have to drive you cause you won't make it in time and I will be late for work. So get up and get going or your not eating for the whole weekend!" He slammed my door closed and I got my aching body off the floor. I got ready for school in record time and made sure that the bruises were covered up so no one would ask questions, not that they will.

Dad drove me to school and almost got pushed out the door. He sped away right after I closed the car door. It's nice to know you care to get me to school. (Note sarcasm) I get to my first period just I time before the bell rang and there was Lucas sitting in his spot right next to mine.

English was going normal as usual. Lucas wasn't messing with me or trying to talk to me; which is good. He must have found out I'm a nobody and shouldn't talk to me.

I got called to the office sometime later and so I collected my things and headed to the front office. I walk into the building and the receptionist nodes for me to go in to see Principle Mackman.

Principle Mackman is really nice if your on her good side but get on her bad side and you got a whole different problem on your hands. I walked into her office and she looked up and motioned for me to sit. I walked to the chair in front of her desk and sat down waiting anxiously of why I was called. She stands up and walks around her desk and sits in the chair next to mine so me can talk face to face.

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