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Ren climbed down the mountain, finding her companions waiting for her. They were scarred, dirtied, bloodied, but everyone was on their feet. Even Morrigan, although the witch was limping just a bit. Cassandra came forward. "Inquisitor. It's over?"

"It's over. Corypheus is ... scattered bits of flesh, in and out of the Fade."

They cheered her for that, and she smiled, feeling a wave of weariness wash over her.

"Victorious," Morrigan mused. "What a novel concept."

"Thanks to you," Ren told her. "If you hadn't worn out the dragon, we couldn't have killed it, and then we couldn't have killed Corypheus."

"The voices tell me all is not necessarily settled."

Ren sighed. "When is it ever? Is anyone coming to get me right now?"

"I do not believe so."

"Then I'll worry about it when it comes."

Morrigan nodded crisply. "I have places to go."

"Of course."

"It has been my privilege, Inquisitor."

"You go with my thanks. The Inquisition owes you a debt," Ren said. She watched the witch limp away into the shadows, where no doubt she would heal herself and turn herself into something that flew. It was likely that this was the last Ren would ever see of Morrigan, which, frankly, was fine with her.

A strong pair of hands closed on her shoulders and turned her around, and she looked up into the grey eye of her lover. "Look at you, kadan. All not-dead."

"You weren't worried, were you?"

"Not for a second."

"The Ben-Hassrath would despair of you. You're turning into an absolutely terrible liar. I'm not sure whether I should be proud or worried." She smiled at him, and he returned the smile, but it didn't quite reach his eye.

"Me, neither."

Sera appeared, her blonde head peeking around the Iron Bull's arm. "Rip in the sky all closey-closed. Good, right? No more weird old guys goin' around trying to open it up?" She chuckled weakly.

"No more weird old guys. At least, not that I know of." Ren sighed. "Can we go home now?"

At that, they cheered her again.

She found Lucas Hawke hanging back, matching his horse's pace to that of hers. His usual smile was missing, and he looked at her sideways. "You're sure he's dead?"

Ren sighed. "He's in pieces in the Fade. If he's not dead, at least it will take him a long time to put himself back together."

"I'm sorry I couldn't kill him the first time."

"Hey. Don't talk like that. The key word there is 'couldn't'. I think I only managed because of this." She held up her hand with the Anchor in it, looking at the sparkling green of it with interest. "Which appears to be a permanent prize. I wonder what else it might be good for?"

Lucas looked at it, too, and shook his head. "If I were you, I'd file that under 'be careful what you wish for' and not try too hard to find out."

"You're probably right." Ren clenched her hand again, the green glow disappearing. She was glad to have kept it, though. The Anchor seemed like part of her now. "You all right?"

The Heart of a Dragon (a Dragon Age fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now