The Web of Diplomacy

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Ren and Josephine both frowned at the letter from Ferelden's king. Ren had met him briefly only once, and then when he was royally pissed about Tevinters and mages and Inquisition forces and the mess they had all made of Redcliffe, but all her correspondence with him afterward had been genial. "If he's that concerned about meeting with Celene, why don't we have them both here?" she suggested.

"That would have been my recommendation as well," Josephine agreed, "but Leliana did not seem to like the idea. Something about Morrigan's presence in Skyhold, or so I gathered. She was not forthcoming with details."

"That complicates things." Ren sighed, straightening up. "And we can't spare you to go to Val Royeaux and hold his hand through the negotiations."


"Ah! I have it," Ren said. She smiled at Josephine. "What about your ... ahem ... friend, Teyrn Cousland? He's high enough in Fereldan hierarchy that Celene will respect him, he's well-liked and well-spoken enough that Alistair will listen to him, and he seems like a man who can keep his temper. Or what I saw of him seemed that way," she added teasingly. Fergus Cousland's visit had been a brief one, and he had spent most of it closeted with Josephine.

The Ambassador blushed faintly. "That's a very good idea, Inquisitor."

"I imagine you can convince him?"

"I believe so." Josephine looked up at Ren. "You know, you really are making great strides in diplomacy. There was a time when I wondered ... but you have done very well."

"Thank you." Ren smiled. Diplomacy was far from being her favorite part of the job, but she tried hard to do the Inquisition credit and not to undo all of Josephine's good work. She was glad her efforts were bearing fruit. She was still far more comfortable fighting things, although her most recent trip outside Skyhold, chasing Corypheus's general, Samson, had been something of a fiasco. Samson had anticipated their arrival and fled with most of his men, leaving behind a burnt ruin, a dying Tranquil, and a mocking note for Cullen. Ren didn't know which had infuriated Cullen most.

They had found some broken tools that appeared to have been used by Maddox, the Tranquil, on Samson's red lyrium armor. Dagna thought with some work she could use the tools to create a weapon against the armor, which would be very useful when they went against Samson and Corypheus in the Arbor Wilds.

Josephine's gaze turned grave. "I do not need to remind you that this liaison with the Iron Bull has become somewhat problematic."

Ren sighed. "So I've heard. But I still don't understand why."

"For one thing, there is a certain draw to an Inquisitor who is unattached."

"I am not a bargaining chip!"

Josephine smiled. "Of course you are. As am I. As is Cullen, little as he likes to admit it. Additionally, there is the matter of trust. Few nobles trust the Qunari, even one as ... separated from his culture as the Iron Bull. If you are spending most of your time with him, there are questions regarding your allegiances and what influences you may be under."

"But he isn't like that," Ren protested. She flushed under Josephine's scrutiny.

"There is time yet, Inquisitor. No one asks you to make any sacrifices today." Josephine spoke kindly, but the message was clear. Someday, the sacrifice would be asked.

A knock came at the door, followed by Flissa's head poking in. "Inquisitor? I'm sorry to disturb you, but you have a visitor."

"I do?"

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