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Leliana was waiting outside Josephine's office, with a fairly nervous-looking Robert Morris. "Ah, Inquisitor," Leliana said, smiling. "Shall we? Quartermaster Morris is coming along to give a report to Josephine on tonight's party."

"I hope everything is ready?" Ren asked him.

"Ready as it will ever be," he said.

"That's the spirit."

Cullen and Josephine were in the War Room already. "Inquisitor!" Cullen said.

"How about you all get used to calling me Ren?"

Josephine smiled. "That might take some doing."

"You'll get there. So, I imagine you're going to want me to give a speech tomorrow?"

The Ambassador's eyebrows flew up. "Why, yes."

"Didn't think I had it in me, did you?" Ren grinned. "I can't wait."

"You seem lighter, Inq—Ren." Cullen studied her carefully. "Happier."

"It's part Corypheus, and part our friend here." Ren looked at Morris. "And you're all right with this?"

"I ... am. Yes. It's a big job, but—I've been doing a big job, and ... I think I can do this one."

"Good. I'll stay on as long as you need me ... well, for a while, anyway," Ren amended. "To make the transition easier."

"I do appreciate that," Morris said fervently.

"Shall we get down to the details? And perhaps the In—Ren here will tell us a bit about Corypheus and how that all went." Leliana smiled at her. "I admit to being a bit curious."

Ren told the story, as plainly as she could manage in the midst of all their questions, then they worked for a while on the details of the transition. Eventually Ren excused herself to let the others work with Morris on where the Inquisition would go from here, relieved that the management of such a big task was no longer her responsibility.

Outside, she wandered about a bit, smiling and shaking hands and exchanging greetings with her people. As she neared the stable, she saw a horse standing ready, a saddle blanket being placed on its back, and she hurried toward it. Blackwall at least had the good grace to blush as she neared him.

"You were leaving without so much as a word?"

"I would have written, once I got there." He sighed. "I have to go eventually; sooner rather than later seemed the better choice."

"You don't have to go yet. There are still rifts to close, and ... I'm sure more things to fight."

He looked at her, shaking his head gently. "No. I made a promise—to you, and to Blackwall before you. It's time I became a man of my word." Blackwall smiled a little. "'Helped stop a magister darkspawn.' Not something every Warden-recruit gets to say."

"No, I suppose not. You know we couldn't have done it without you."

"Well ... that's nice to hear, at any rate." He tilted his head to the side. "So now that you've saved the world, what's next? Helping to put it all back together?"

"Something like that. I'm not sure it can ever truly be put back together—was it ever together in the first place?"

"You may have a point there. Best of luck to you, whatever you do." He bowed. "It has been my honor, Inquisitor."

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