A Pretty Good Day

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Ren lay in the tent, her head pillowed on the Iron Bull's chest. It was beastly hot as they neared the Western Approach, and she wished for a cool ocean breeze, or the mountain winds of Skyhold.

"Can't sleep, kadan?"

"I'll get there. You want me to move? I know it's hot."

"Don't you dare." His arm closed around her, holding her against him. Sleeping with her next to him was an intoxicating new pleasure, and he didn't intend to miss a moment of it. "If I'm going to have to sleep apart from you once we get to the Approach, I'm going to get as much of you as I can beforehand."

"Sleep apart?" Ren lifted her head, frowning at him. "Who said anything about that?"

"We'll be at the Lost Spring Canyon camp tomorrow. You're not going to want the soldiers to see the Inquisitor sharing a tent with one of her companions, are you?"

"Why not?"

It was his turn to frown. Did she not know how that would look?

Ren apparently read the question in his face, because she grimaced impatiently, sitting up all the way. "There is nothing about being with someone that is beneath the Inquisitor's dignity."

"Yeah, and if you were with someone more ... normal, that would fly. But you're with me, and people will think it's only for the sex."

"They'll learn. And besides, who cares if they think that?" She frowned at him.

He groaned. "You're not thinking ahead, kadan."

"No. I'm not. I've got enough problems today without borrowing tomorrow's. The Approach is crawling with darkspawn and Venatori—those are my job this week. If any of the soldiers are worried about the political implications of who I sleep with, then they're in the wrong post and we should tell Cullen to reassign them."

The Iron Bull appreciated her dedication to her duties, but he wished she would show as much devotion to the political aspects of the job. Not that he was being much help in that arena, he admitted to himself. A smart man, one with her best interests and those of the Inquisition in mind, wouldn't have let things get this far. But he was damned if he could see how he could have stopped it.

Ren forestalled any further comments by draping herself across his chest and biting his nipple. "Besides," she murmured, kissing her way across his chest to the other nipple, "Sera and Dorian got used to it. Everyone else will, too."

It was a fallacious argument, really. Dorian had barely raised an eyebrow when it became clear they were intending to share the same tent, and Sera had looked from the Iron Bull to Ren and back again and said, "But ... how can you still walk?" and then decided that wasn't a question she really wanted an answer to. They were hardly the same as a camp full of soldiers who wanted their Inquisitor to live up to a certain standard. But with Ren's naked body moving on top of his, the Iron Bull was hardly about to argue the point. He flipped her over onto her back, his hand finding the heat between her legs.

She moaned in pleasure, and he said, "There's as good a reason as any not to share a tent."

"What is? Bull, don't stop!"

He didn't, and chuckled as she moaned again. "This. Those are not Inquisitorial sounds you make, hot as they are."

"I can be quiet." She sank her teeth in her lip, sighing softly as he moved two fingers inside her.

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