First Date

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Near the end of July, everyone thought the camp was most definitely going to be shut down permanently. But what luck for David and Gwen, because neither of them were going to be out of a job because the lovable rascal Max came up with the brilliant plan on how to get the camp up and running.
So to celebrate, David and Gwen left the kids with Quartermaster and Cameron so they could enjoy a night of relaxation: watching Rob Boss.
As they watched, Gwen stated, "You're my best friend, you know that?"
David smiled. "You're my best friend too. And I did not know that. But I appreciate that."
After a long night of binging Rob Boss on Netflix, it was time for them to say goodnight.
"Goodnight Gwen," David said and smiled.
"Night, David." Gwen turned around to go when she heard David sigh.
"Gwen, I know this may be weird but will you go to dinner with me tomorrow?" David asked.
Gwen smirked. "Like, a date?"
David blushed. "Yeah... I guess so," he said and scratched his head.
"David." Gwen pulled his arm down and looked him in the face. "I would fucking love to go on a date with you."
David's face lit up, but he was obviously trying to play cool. "I'll pick you up at 7?"
Gwen laughed. "David, we-" Gwen facepalmed and decided to play along with David's 'cool guy' persona. "Pick me up at 7."
"I'll see you at 7 pm," David smiled.
Gwen chuckled, "Yeah huh, more like 7 am."
David tried to hold back from laughing, but they ended up just cracking up together. "Yeah. You're right about that."
"God, I'm dreading getting up tomorrow. I think if i go to bed now, I'll get 7 hours of sleep. Yeah. It's 11, and I wake up at 6. I'll be good. Night, David."
"Night, Gwen."
Gwen smiled to herself as she walked back to her cabin, and David watched her walk back and he was glad that he finally asked her out.

6:55 PM, The next Day
David walked out of his cabin wearing a t shirt and jeans with flowers in one hand and his phone in the other.
"Oh god," David heard Max say, and he looked up from his phone. "What the fuck are you doing?"
"I have a date," David answered plainly.
"Another one?" Neil scoffed, "I thought you gave up after Bonquisha."
David made the decision to ignore the kids and tell them to go to the mess hall to get dinner. He then walked over to Gwen's cabin and knocked on the door. Gwen opened it and she was wearing an amazing blue dress, casual, yet was very flattering on her body.
"You look amazing," David said, in awe.
Gwen chuckled and grinned. "Thanks, you look great too."
They stood in awkward silence for a moment, until David pitched the idea to actually go to dinner now. They listened to pop music on the drive to the Italian restaurant they were going to.
David made reservations for 8:00 at a hecka nice restaurant that was the next town over, because Sleepy Peek had no nice restaurants.

"So," Gwen said after about 15 minutes of driving in silence, "Today was hell."

"Oh my gosh, it was horrible trying to get Mr. Campbell to do things!"

Gwen chuckled. "David, he works for you, you don't have to call him Mr. Campbell."

"Well, I've known him since I was 10. That would be like calling your fourth grade teacher by their first name," David explained.

"Whatever floats your boat," Gwen replied and shrugged. "Anyways, I'm so tired of dealing with Space Kid. Jesus, does he have energy!"

David laughed, "Yeah, but I love all of those campers. Do you remember when Max first arrived at camp, and we looked at each other and both knew that he would be hard to deal with."

"Yeah, I remember. But I feel really bad for Max. He has a hard life. Definitely has some abandonment issues."

David saw Gwen's sad face and panicked to change the subject. "So, any plans for after camp?"

"I don't know. I'm trying to get a job, but the job market is practically impossible. What about you?" Gwen asked.

"Well, now that I own Camp Campbell, I'll probably rent it out to schools for outdoor education trips, or things like that. But I'm thinking about getting a side job, maybe something to do with music."

"Hey, that's more than I've got," Gwen smiled.

"Oh!" David exclaimed. "We're here!"

David parked and got out to open the door for Gwen, to find that she had already let herself out. She smirked and grabbed his hand. He blushed, and they walked in together.

They sat down at their table, and Gwen opened the menu, only to be shocked by the prices. "David. I can't afford this."

"Don't worry, I'm paying," David assured her, and her jaw dropped. "Get whatever ya want."

Gwen's jaw was stuck open, and David asked her what's wrong. Gwen chuckled, "No, nothing. I just didn't know you were so genuinely sweet. Like, I knew you were nice but I didn't think you'd do anything special for tonight."

"Well, I've wanted to ask you out for a while, so I was really excited," David beamed.

Gwen raised an eyebrow. "Exactly how long?"

David got flustered. "Oh, well. On and off for... lets just say since last year."

"Awww! Last year? David, that's adorable. Well, truth be told I've wanted you to ask me out since the beginning of summer," Gwen admitted.

David opened his mouth to speak, when suddenly a waitress approached. "Hello, my name is Alice and I'll be your server. Have you two decided what you'll be ordering?"

"Yes, can I get the Fettuccini Alfredo please?" Gwen said and handed her menu to the waitress.

"Oh, and I'll get the Tortellini," David handed the waitress his menu and uttered a "thank you."

The waitress left with their orders, and David and Gwen continued chatting until their food came.

"Ooh! This looks amazing. Thank you," David smiled at the waitress.

"Yeah, thank you so much," Gwen said and she took a bite. "Holy shit," Gwen said with her mouth full, "This shit is amazing."

"Mine is great too. Wanna try it?" David asked.

Gwen nodded, "Sure, and you can have some of mine." She grabbed some of David's, and he grabbed some of hers. "Fuck! I love this restaurant."

"I'm glad," David beamed.

After their date, they got in the car and Gwen fell asleep almost immediately, and David giggled to himself. He tried to stay quiet so she wouldn't wake up, but she did end up waking up on the bumpy path to camp.

"What?" Gwen said groggily.

"You slept," David said.

Gwen leaned onto the arm rest. "Oh," she paused. "Tonight was really fun, David."

"Yeah, I really enjoyed hanging out with you," David smiled. "And we're back." He opened the door for Gwen and walked her to her cabin.

"Night, David."

"Night Gwen!" David grinned and gave her a hug, but to his surprise, Gwen kissed him. He kissed back, and after a couple seconds they pulled back.

"Thanks for tonight," Gwen waved.

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