Settling In

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About half-way through September, the couple finally finished unpacking from camp. They put their counselors uniforms in a special drawer that they wouldn't touch until next June. David's apartment was compact, yet comfortable. One bedroom, an office, and a bathroom. The living space was nice, too. The kitchen was very aesthetically pleasing, and when Gwen complimented him for this, he admitted that his sister helped him decorate his house. The couch was pullout, and there was a TV- and Gwen loved that. Her old apartment didn't have one. All she had was a bed, a fridge, a stove, and a used, cheap couch that definitely had bed bugs. And she didn't know that David was comfy with money. She thought he was dirt poor too, but she was obviously wrong. She wanted to ask how he got the money, but she thought it might be rude. So, she just decided to ask about his family.

"Well, my family is interesting, to say the least. What do you want to know?" He asked.

Gwen got embarrassed quick. "To make it short and sweet, why do you have such a nice place? You're in your early 20s and you're a middle school music teacher. How did this happen? How did you get so much money?"

David shrugged. "My grandpa was really rich, and my dad, being his only child, inherited it all in the 80s. So when my dad died, one third of it went to me, one third went to my mom, and one third to my sister. But then mom died, and the money he had left her went to my sister and me. None of us are big spenders, we only buy the essentials and spend when we need to."

Gwen stood there, speechless. She didn't know both his parents were dead! She didn't even know what to say.

"Gwen? You can ask questions about my parents, it doesn't bother me," David reassured her.

"I'm sorry David. I'm really awkward when it comes to stuff like this." Gwen sat down on the couch, and David sat next to her.

David grabbed her hand. "Hey. Everyone is awkward when someone brings up death. It's an awkward subject. I never talk to people about my parents because of it. I know they're just gonna pity me. My life was a mess when I was younger, but I'm 24 now, so I've created a life that's not reflecting my completely fucked childhood."

Gwen gasped, "David! You swore," she giggled.

David laughed with her, "Well it was needed. So, you want me to tell you about my parents?"

"Yeah. I really do. David, I didn't know your parents were dead."

"My dad was diagnosed with brain cancer when I was 14, and he died a couple months after the diagnosis. We were all there with him when he died, except for my sister. She was on her 10th grade D.C trip, and she was originally going to stay home, but dad said he'd be fine and that it was only a week. She got home from the trip, and I had to tell her that dad was dead, and she hated herself for months. She regretted not being there, and honestly, I would've been the same way."

Once again, Gwen had no idea how to reply to this.

"Gosh, sorry I'm rambling. I haven't talked about my dad in years," David said.

"Really? Why?" Gwen asked.

David sighed, "Because I haven't had anyone to talk to about him. My sister gets too upset, and it's too awkward to talk about with any of my friends."

"I'm sorry, that really sucks," she empathized. "Do you wanna tell me about your mom? You've talked about her before but... you didn't tell me that she's um... dead."

"Oh ok. Yeah, my mom. She died when I was 19, And the anniversary of her death is coming up in a week. I'm telling you ahead of time because I'm gonna be a mess," David said.

Gwen raised an eyebrow. "Wait wait wait. Your birthday is in a week."

"Oh yeah she died on my birthday. She tried to kill herself, my sister found her and then she was in a coma for a month, and then we decided to pull the plug because doctors said there was no way she was pulling out of it."

"Oh Jesus David, that's horrible. Do you know why?" she asked.

David shrugged. "She had been depressed for years. When my dad died, she lost all sense of reality. He was holding her together, and when he died she fell apart. I guess she felt she had to live for my sister and I. And when I moved out and went to college, she felt she didn't have any reason to live. And she left two notes, one to my sister and the other to me. That was probably the worst year of my life. I was just trying to get through my first year of college, when all I did was cry." David looked up to see Gwen silently crying. "Why are you crying?"

"David, I care about you so much, and I'm so sorry you had to go through all this. And I feel bad that I didn't know, and that you felt it'd be awkward to tell me. And I'm sorry she died on your birthday. And I'm just now realizing that that's why you don't want to go out for your birthday."

"Yep. Well... you wanna tell me about your parents?" David asked.

"Why not. So, when my parents adopted me, I was 8 and kind of hated life, ya know? My parents are immigrants from the Philippines. And my birth parents. They suck, and got arrested for selling illegal drugs when I was four. Anyways, so when I moved in with my parents for the first time, it was really fuckin awkward. I was basically a mute for the first year I was with them. I was a piece of shit, but they loved me. Me and my brother are a month apart, so we were always in the same grade. But he stayed in Chicago and now he's a business man."

"Hm. I did not know that you're adopted. I guess we're both learning new things about each other today!" David said.

"I guess we are." Gwen chuckled and David pulled her in for a kiss.

"I adore you," he whispered.

"And I love you," she said for the first time.

David caressed her face. "I love you too."

A/N: This chapter went way darker than expected. I started writing fluff but now it's two a.m and I just felt the need for angst and drama. Can y'all tell me if you like angst or fluff better? Alright love y'all happy labor day byeee

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