Early November

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Autumn was Gwen's favorite time of year. She loved everything about it. The falling leaves, the cool temperatures, the specific fashion style that can only be pulled out of the closet 3 months out of the year. She loved cuddling by the fire eating anything and everything pumpkin. And she was excited to share her favorite season with her favorite person: David. Although they'd only been dating for 4 months, she knew they'd be together forever. They were made for each other, and all their friends made sure to let them know every day.

But on the first Tuesday of November at 2 a.m, David and Gwen were making out in the bedroom when they heard a knock on the door.

"Who the hell is knocking on our door at 2 in the fucking morning?" Gwen said, annoyed.

"Alright, um babe, stay in here I'll go see who it is," David said and went to go answer the door.

He looked through the peephole to see a familiar face, and he opened the door.

David sighed in relief, "Oh thank god. I thought we might be getting robbed. Now Max, what the heck are you doing at our apartment?"

"We? Our? Who's living with-" Max spotted a framed photo on the counter of Gwen and David kissing at Central Park. "Wait a minute. You're fucking Gwen?"

David blushed. "Well, um, I-"

"Babe who was at the door?" Gwen walked out wearing nothing but an oversized shirt, then she saw Max. "Jesus Christ, guess I'll go put on clothes." Gwen walked right back into the bedroom and came back out wearing leggings and a sweater.

"Max. Come sit, it's so early," David said and led him to the couch where Gwen was already sitting.

Gwen brushed Max's bangs away and it revealed a black eye. "Jesus Max, what happened?"

"I got punched??? The fuck does it look like?" Max rolled his eyes and swept his bangs back to the front.

"Look, let's discuss your bruises and dried blood later. Why are you here, Max? It's completely inappropriate to just show up to our house at 2 am," David said, sternly.

"I ran away."

"Why?" David and Gwen said in unison.

Max became uncomfy quick. "My parents aren't exactly the nicest fuckin people, obviously."

"Oh gosh, did they do something to you?" David asked, and Gwen smacked his arm and gave him a glare that said, 'Get out and let me handle this.' So he got up and announced he was going to the restroom.

Gwen scooched closer to Max. "Max, you can tell me what they did. I need to know if I should call them or CPS."

Max started crying. "They hit me all the time and have been hitting me for years. But last night my mom and dad were fighting and he smacked her and I started crying and then he told me to shut fuck up and he and mom both kicked me and hit me. Then I ran to my bedroom and I packed a bag and sneaked out the fire escape, and now I'm here."

"Oh Max..." Gwen put an arm around the crying child and hugged him. "Hey, I'll try to make it so you don't have to go back to your parents, alright?"

Max nodded and gulped out an "alright" through tears.

"Why'd you come to David though? And how'd you find this address?" Gwen asked.

"Well, I originally went to your apartment. But then I found out someone else is living there, so I decided to come here. And you guys have your addresses on the counselor form you give the parents," Max replied.

Gwen nodded her head along, then apologized that she wasn't at her apartment.

"You guys done chatting?" David asked and skipped out.

"Yes," Gwen replied, "Max. You must be hungry. You like lasagna?"

Max nodded and muttered 'thanks.' Gwen put the leftover lasagna in the microwave and Max and David sat there waiting.

"Were you listening in on our conversation?" Max asked.

"What? No," David said in a high pitched voice.

"You were."

"Yeah, I was. And I'm so sorry Max. I had no idea, and if I did, I would've called CPS earlier," David put a hand on Max's shoulder and Max swatted it away.

"Alright Max. Eat up, ya little shit," Gwen smiled and Max thanked her. He scarfed down the precious dish in a minute and threw away the paper plate it was on.

Max yawned. "I'm tired. Can I sleep on your-"

And in a split second, the pullout couch was made and ready for Max to sleep on.

"Oh. Thanks," Max kinda half smiled.

"Night," Gwen said.

"Night, Gwen and David."

Gwen and David walked back to their bedroom and Gwen closed the door.

"I don't know what to do David! Oh my fucking god I-"

"Gwen," David shushed her. "I don't know what that was either. I think we're the only people he knows that can help him. But I'm also freaked out. I didn't think his parents hit him!"

"Neither did I!" Gwen whisper-yelled. "I feel so fucking bad for him. I can't imagine what he's going through. Did you see the bruise and dried blood on the back of his neck?"

"Yes. This is insane. I don't think I'll be able to sleep."

"Same," Gwen said as she sat on the bed.

David took a seat next to her on the bed and grabbed her hand.

"It's too early for this shit," Gwen groaned and got into bed. "Cuddle with me David."

David hopped into bed with her and put his arms around her waist. She rolled over so she was facing him. She pressed her forehead against his, and he grabbed her waist and let his hands gently float around that area. His touch sent tingling tremors around her body, and her breath was shaky.

"Aw what? Am I making you uncomfortable?" David smirked, and continued to tease her. She turned to lay on her back and turned her head toward David, who thought her arousal was funny. His fingers made their way to her lower stomach, and when that region was reached, Gwen let out a very sharp inhale. "Oh, poor poor Gwenny wants me."

Gwen sat up, and David followed. "David, you're such a dick sometimes. Look, there's a 10 year old in this house and if that stops us from doing anything, God is a dick. David. I need you," she pulled him in by the shirt, and he bit his lip, and pinned her down.


Max woke up to the sound of Gwen talking on the phone and he decided to eaves drop.

"Yes sir, he showed up to our door at 2 am this morning. My boyfriend answered the door and saw him with bruises all over his body," Pause. "Yes, we were his camp counselors this summer at Camp Campbell that we own together. He had told us at camp that his parents didn't care about him that much, but we didn't think anything of it. But he told us when he came to our house that his parents have been beating him for years and years." Pause. "His parents are Donna and Charles Patel. The boy's full name is Maxwell Patel." Pause. "Oh, my name? Gwendolyn Torres." Pause. "David Smith." Pause. "Okay, thank you." She hung up the phone and groaned.

Max poked his little head up above the couch.

"Oh, hey Max. Sorry if I woke you up. I was just trying to sort this whole thing out, ya know?" Gwen rubbed her eyes and yawned.

"Didn't get much sleep, huh?" Max said, when David swooped in out of no where and kissed Gwen's cheek. "Ah. Not much sleeping going on last night, I suppose?'

Gwen and David looked at each other, shocked. And then Gwen replied plainly, "Nope. No sleep at all."

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