23 - 𝓼𝓪𝔂 𝓰𝓸𝓸𝓭𝓫𝔂𝓮

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Days have passed and Yoongi is still unconcious while Taehyung was already awake and will be discharged by the next three days

"Taehyung" I held his hand as we were having a private talk, ones that I hate

"You really won't leave Yoongi?" he's been convincing me to leave Yoongi for hours now, but I can't

"I just can't" I confirmed as I felt my chest tighten and hurt. I gulp down my saliva while pondering if this is a good or bad idea

"This also might happen to you if you don't consider all the unlucky events
occuring in the present just because of you engaging in anl relationship with the son of our biggest Mafia enemy" He concluded making me nibble on my bottom lip

"Tae, of course those ideas came into mind already, Just before I agreed to be his girlfriend. but I already answered my doubts and fears I would be ready for the consequences of loving an enemy" I answered with whole sincerity, well it's true anyway

"My dear sister is so strong and courageous no wonder Yoongi admires you alot" He smiled and kissed the back of my hand

I'm a btch

"But please still think about it while you still have time even Appa might get involved in this"

he was right I only thought about myself, not considering the fact that Appa might get hurt

"I'll Think about it. I'll just visit Yoongi" I kissed his forehead and opened the the door for Jimin to go take watch of Taehyung and for me leave the place and visit my beloved.

As I entered Yoongi's room I instantly approached him and held his hand, "I don't want to leave you, I can't solve this by myself I need you" I pleaded as I held unto his hand tighter while I burried my face on the sheets and Continued my drama

Tears escaladed from my face and drop to his pale hand I can't leave him but only Pure cataclysm will wrap all around is if we stay of what we are now

Loving Yoongi had dangerous consequences

And I'm scared that someday, someone important to me might
die just because Of this

And also the Yoongi now unconcious on the bed who almost died was all because of me

He doesn't deserve a disgrace like me, it was a mistake to fall for him. But my heart, my heart doesn't regret anything

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