Chapter 62

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2 weeks later...
New Delhi...

Ananya's POV

I am getting married...! 
I can't believe that I am getting married in 15 days...!
How scary is that...?

Everything happened so fast, that it was difficult to comprehend what exactly happened, and before I know, I was engaged to him...  Wow !

I am getting married, to man of my dreams, how crazy is that... !

I am supposed to leave for Mumbai in an hour to gather my stuff and ship them to Bangalore at Aayan's place...

I'll be living in my own house, with my Aayan...

I felt tickling sensation inside my tummy when I thought 'My Aayan...'

He is going to be my husband...
Oh my god, I still can't believe this...

That Aayan, whose name made me scared, uneasy and conscious to the core, about whom I was suspicious the whole time, now gives butterflies in my stomach...

I couldn't believe that I actually confessed my love to him, but why didn't he reply...?

Maybe he got startled or was too nervous to confess....

Yes Aayan can be a difficult person to deal when he gets angry, but he is a sweetheart in general...

He is so sweet, he's showering me with cute little presents and gestures since our engagement, we talk for long hours in the night, we went out on a date to the most expensive restaurant in the town, and that was my best first date ever...

Yes he has issues with his mom, and also he disagrees with Bade Papa in many matters, but I will make sure that he sorts out his differences with them, so that he can live in peace...

I will mend his broken family and heart, and we will live happily forever

Me, Aayan, Bade Papa and our cutie Amayraa...

But why is sweetness bothering me somewhere, Why do I feel something is fishy...

Stop it Ananya...  Don't be paranoid...

My phone starts ringing and my heart flutters seeing the caller

It's my sweetheart calling...

(A/N : Wow Annie, somebody is completely lovesick 🙄)

'Hey... ' I smile picking up the call

'Hey princess, I miss you... ' Came his mesmerising voice from the other side

'I miss you too...' I pout

Yes I do miss him

'Can't wait to see you in few hours babe, I was just getting ready to leave for the airport...' He said and now I feel sad

'But we can't meet today Aayan... ' I say sadly

'Why...?' he asked I can sense panic in his voice

'I am leaving for Mumbai today, will come back tomorrow evening...' I say

'Not fair... ' he whined and I chuckled

'I finished all my pending works to come back to you very fast, and now you are leaving... ' He said sadly


'It's just a matter of one day Aayan, after that we will be together, and later after wedding we'll be together forever... ' I smile 

There was silence on other side, and then he replied

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