Chapter 77

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Next Day...
Aayan's POV...

My sleep is disturbed with the sound of the alarm beeping, I open my eyes and gasp seeing my sleeping position, my arm was wrapped around Ananya's waist, and her head was on my shoulders...

I immediately removed my arms and carefully placed her head on the pillow, sitting on the bed and quickly turning off the alarm,I glanced at her, she was sleeping soundly and I sighed

I am still dressed in my last night's shirt and trouser, and shoes on, damn...!

I quickly kick off my shoes and they land somewhere at the random places in the room and stretch my hands, yawning at the same time...

The screen of my phone lights up, I see a message from Ritika and roll my eyes, I glance at the time instead, it showed 7:45...

Damn Ananya can wake up anytime, I should probably leave before she wakes up...

I look at her, she was sleeping peacefully, and I check her temperature, it is slightly warm, this means she will get fever eventually...

I have to stop her from going to the office, but how...? There is no way she is going to listen to me...

I get down from the bed and walk out of the room, after covering Ananya with the quilt properly...

Peeking at Amayraa's room, I found that she was sleeping, I walk inside her room and kiss her cheeks and she opens her eyes...

'Aaya... Wakey...?' she asked sleepily

'No baby, you can sleep for sometime... ' I pat her head and she drifts back to sleep

Wow she sleeps very fast...

I walk out of the penthouse and run downstairs towards my house to clear that stupid mess of roses and candles, before Ananya wakes up...

I open the door with my fingerprints, and enter inside, unfolding my sleeves...

The AI system of the house announced in a computerised voice...

Welcome home Aayan Varma, Temperature - 22.5°C
Humidity - 72%
Number of members currently in the house - 2

Two people...? One is me, who is the other one ?
Is Pappy back...?

I walk into the kitchen, and take out the water bottle from the fridge, and drank some water from it...

Just then Ritika walks out of my room, wearing my shirt and nothing beneath, I spit the water and start coughing...

What the hell...
What is she doing here...?

'Good morning Baby... ' she said in a flirty way, and walked towards me, while I took a step back, trying to control my coughing

'What the... *cough* hell are you *cough* doing here... ' I hold my chest to stop it...

She slid her arms around my neck, tip toeing herself to reach my height, and looked at me seductively, biting her lip

I look at her disgusted and push her hands away from me

'Get out of the house, before Ananya comes.... ' I say angrily

'So what if she sees us, she must think that we spent the night together... ' Ritika said coming closer to me, and I take a step back, my back collides with the fridge

'Go away Ritika, I am warning you... ' I growl and she comes closer

'The more she sees us together, the faster she leaves this house... ' She said removing my specs and keeping it on the kitchen counter

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