Chapter 119

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2 weeks later..
Varma's house...

Ananya walks downstairs carrying her office bag, which had around 7 big files, which were the pending cases she was busy in wrapping up since last 10 days...

Sameer's wedding was just 1 week away and Ananya took leave for it, today was her last working day...

Amayraa was getting ready in her room for school and Aayan was helping her...

Jai was seated on the sofa, reading the morning newspaper, while Sameer was in his room sleeping

Ananya walks inside the kitchen, placing her bag on one of the chairs in the dining table, and greeted Mrs. Kumar

'Morning Pappy....' she says, taking her seat and winced audibly

'Good morning Ananya... Are you okay...?' Mrs. Kumar looks at her pained expression

'Nothing Pappy, just the first day of my period, you know how much it hurts...' she whines, and leans against the table catching her torso

'Why don't you take leave today...? You always take leave on your first day, I've seen you, you can't even walk properly...' Mrs. Kumar says holding her shoulders

'I've utilised all my paid leaves this month Pappy, also I have taken 15 days leave for Sameer's wedding, I really have to wrap up with these cases today, before handing it to Mishra....' she points at the file

'Well he can come here and take these...' Mrs. Kumar suggested

'No Pappy, let this office people to stay at office only... I can deal with one headache at one time, will bear the pain for today....' She whines and Mrs. Kumar chuckles

'Are you sure...?'

'Yeah..' Ananya grins

'I'll get something hot to drink, it eases the pain, meanwhile don't forget to keep the medicines in your bag, just in case the pain becomes unbearable....' Mrs. Kumar says and walks towards the refrigerator

Yeah I better get them, or who knows, I'll be lying on the office floor by evening..

Ananya gets up, wincing and walks towards the exit of the kitchen, just then Aayan and Amayraa enter there

'Annie....! Good morning' Amayraa excitedly jumps on her, while Ananya takes a step back

'No no no Amy... Owww... Not today...' Ananya warns, but she already threw herself on Ananya, and she had no option but to catch her, she winced while holding Amayraa

Aayan stares at her pained face and took Amayraa from her arms

'Don't bother her Amy...' he says to Amayraa who pouts

'What's the matter ?' he asks Ananya, who sighed in relief, but then held her waist again

'Nothing...' Ananya replies and walks out of the kitchen

He looks at Mrs. Kumar confused and then takes his seat, while Amayraa sits beside him

'Paa, will you drop me at school today...?' Amayraa asks

'Why ? You don't want to go with Annie today....?'

'She always drops me, you come with me na today... Just for a change...' Amayraa grins and Aayan chuckles

'Okay... You have to ask Annie about it though...' He says, as Mrs Kumar places Amayraa's milk and Aayan's coffee in front of them

'She won't mind, I suggest you drop Amy today... She won't be able to do much work today anyway...' Mrs. Kumar says and Aayan looks at her confused

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