Chapter 114

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Aayan locked himself in the room, and Ananya couldn't understand what to do...

She quickly dialled her brother's number, who picked up immediately

'Yes Annie...' Ved answers

'Bhai, can you come here...?' Ananya says panicked

'What..? Why is everything okay...?' Ved asks scared, while Vansh and Arjun who were there with him, look at him bewildered..

'No Bhai...! Priyanka Mom killed herself...' Ananya began

'What...!' Ved exclaims and gets up, Vansh and Arjun panic too...

'Yes.. And she left a letter for Aayan, after reading it, he locked himself in his art room... I don't what to do Bhai... Please come here...' Ananya pleads and Ved looks at his brother

'Don't worry Annie, I'll be there in 5 minutes...' Ved says and hangs up the phone

'What...?' Vansh asks..

'Priyanka aunty killed herself, and after hearing this Aayan locked himself in the room.. Annie is scared...' Ved informs

Arjun massages his temples

'God when all this is going to end...' He sighs

'Let's go to her house...' Vansh says

Naina who came out of her room, stared at their troubled expressions

'What's going on...?' She asks

Arjun gestures his sons to keep quiet, as Naina has strained herself a lot and needed rest, her bp was not normal and Arjun was worried because of this....

'Nothing, they are planning to visit Aayan and Ananya, but fighting over which movie they want to see...' He lied and Naina narrows her eyes

'You still can't lie properly...' she says

'What happened kids...?' she turns to her sons, who look at each other

'Nothing Maa... We were just arguing over something stupid... We'll go..' Ved says and they look at their dad who nods

'Fine, don't tell me... Take me to Ananya's house, I want to see her...' she says and the men panic

'Why...? I mean you are not well Naina, we'll take you there some other time...' Arjun tries to stop her

'Guys... What's going on, tell me.. For real...' She scolds them and the twins look at their dad..

Arjun sighs and then turns to her
'Priyanka committed suicide... And Aayan locked himself after listening to this, so we must go there... Ananya is worried...' Arjun said and Naina gasped

'And you wanted to hide this from me...! How dare you...' she glares at them..

The men looked at her guiltily and then Arjun decided to speak

'Naina your health...' he began

'Is not important than my daughter...' She finished his sentence

'Now let's go...' she says to the men and they leave the house

Aayan's house

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