Chapter 70

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4 days later....
5 p.m...

Aayan enters his mansion and finds everything surprisingly quiet..

It's was rare scenario that his house is quiet, because ever since he got married, it never happened !

'Ananya ?'

No answer....

'Papa...?' he calls

No reply...

'Nits...? Amayraa....? Mrs. Kumar...! Anyone...?' he called slightly irritated

But no one answers

Where is everyone...?  He thought

'Ananya ? Where are you ??'

Still no answer....

He calls the servants but no one answers...

Where is everybody...?

Confused he keeps his travel bag on the couch and walks around to find someone, he walked upstairs to check everyone's room, but no one was there...

'Shyam...! Shyam...!!' He called the servant again

The servant rushed upstairs, in a hurry...

'Good evening Sir... You called..?' he asked

'Where is everyone...?' Aayan asked

'Nitaara Didi went back to Mumbai, Bade Sahab and Amayraa baby went to Arjun Sir's house... ' He informed

'And Ananya Madam...?'  Aayan asked

Servant looked at him confused
'Sir she is in her room... She didn't go anywhere...' He said

'In her room ? But... Yeah okay...  You go... ' he dismissed the servant

He again checked his room, but she wasn't there....

Where is she...!

Aayan walked downstairs and his eyes land on these three big bags in the living room and he got confused...

Whose are they ?

'How was your trip ?' Ananya asks from behind

He smirked at himself, he felt good after listening to her voice

Stupid girl...

He turns around and finds his beautiful wife who is clad in red saree, glaring at him...

'Hey Ananya ! I missed you..!' he greets sweetly and walks towards her, opening his arms to embrace her..

'Quit this Drama, Aayan Varma ! I know you are pretending, I know you are not happy to see me....!' Ananya snaps


He stops on his tracks and stares at her confused
How does she know ?

'Baby, What are you saying ? I...!' he begins

'Ooooo Shut up you liar ! I know you were not in Bangalore for your so called 'Emergency Crisis'... I know you were at Goa, with that whore !' she half yelled controlling her tears

Aayan's confused expression changes into a smirk..

'How do you know ?' he asks amused

'I have my sources...'  Ananya crosses her hands

'Soooo, My cute little Ananya is not that Naive, I presumed she would be !' he advanced towards her smirking

'I am not yours !' Ananya huffs taking a step back...

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