The Mall

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I'm the worst of the worst. REALLY REALLY REALLY SORRY for the super long update :( 


School SUCKS.


I was grabbing my books in my locker. Emma is waiting for me, she's standing on my left side playing with her phone. When I grabbed my books, I accidentaly dropped one of my book. I took it and suddenly someone close my locker door.I thought it was Emma and look at her but she's still playing with his phone. Emma realised that I was looking at her with 'WTF' look with my position still kneeling on the floor. She put her phone down but she's not looking at me. I look to her direction and there was Ashton standing there with smile on his face.

"H-hey" I said trying to look cool and not to humiliate myself again. He kneels too and grab my book. I stare into his beautiful eyes. Our face was so close. I can smell his scent. Omg, I'm gonna die. He's way too sexy.

"Hi" He replied and smiled to me. We both stood up. "Here" He gave back my book. He was about to leave when he turns back.

"Hey, are you free this saturday night?" He asked.

"Um, yeah" I said.

"Let's go to the park. We can hang out together, maybe eat some ice cream" He said.

"Yeah sure" I accepted quickly. Is this a date? Did my crush just ask me to hang out with him?

"Cool" He smiled and some of his guy friends come and drag him away.

"What the actual fuck" Emma shouted on my ear.

"Yeah I know, awesome right?" I said to her, still can't believe what just happened.

"Damn awesomeee!" She squealed. Well, I'm the one who Ashton ask for date but my best friend here is more excited than me.


I was in my boring math class. I was listening to Mr. Tom's explanation which I don't get it at all when I heard a knock from the door. The door opened a little, then 5 heads popped.

"Hi Kath!" Louis cheered and waved to me. Liam hit Lou's head and tell him how stupid he was. What the hell are they doing here?!  I closed my face with both of my hand. I can't imagine what punishment I will get later from Mr.Tom. Everyone in the class look to those 5 lads then at me in shock.

Mr.Tom looks angry because the boys interupted his class. He walked to the boys and opened the door. They almost fell to the ground. Everyone shocked when they saw the boys and a few girls who are also directioners like me looked like they're going to cry in hapiness.

"OH MY GOD, One Direction just get into my class" A girl whispered. She who is sitting next to me fangirling and her face is red. I think she is keeping herself not to scream.

"Please explain why are these boys here?" Mr.Tom told me and pointed the boys.

"Umm,they, err.." I really don't know what to answer because I don't know what are they doing neither.

"We are here to pick up a girl named Kathleen Rue." Liam said in his a very polite voice as he is the gentleman here.

"But she can't just go out from school and you don't have permission either" Mr.Tom said.

"I'm sorry sir, but we do have our permission." Niall said then show Mr.Tom a approval letter from the principal, I think. How could they get that? Wow, these boys are great.

"Let's go Kath" Louis said and motioned me to come with him. I stood up and walk to the door.

"Thank you sir" Liam said to Mr.Tom. He still in angry face just gave Liam a glare. I whispered 'sorry' to Mr.Tom then we get out from the classroom.

"The hell are you guys doing??" I asked the boys in protesting voice while we are walking to a big black car.

"We are here to pick you up because we are really bored at your house, so we want to hang out with you." Niall explained.

We get into the car and sat between Niall and Harry while Zayn and Liam are on the back seat and Louis drives.

I continued talking when we've got into the car "So just because of that, you make me miss the evil Mr.Tom's class?!" I protested to them because I don't like missing classes.

"Yep" They said in unison, without feeling any guilt.


We arrived at the biggest mall in town where there are dozens of people here. I stepped out from the car first and saw the boys are all in disguise. They are wearing hats, sunglasses, even Harry is wearing mustache. They made me laugh.

We stopped at a restaurant to have lunch. After lunch, we go to Abercrombie & FItch. I help them to find t-shirts and hoodies.

Then it's my turn to go to my favourite boutique. I walked around the store and stopped, I see this cute white lacy dress that caught my eyes. I look at the price tag, and it's quiet expensive. I refused to buy the dress because I just went shopping the other day with my sister and I spent as much as my pocket money for 2 months. I felt guilty because I used my mom's credit card plus, my dad bought me the 1D concert tickets the other day. It means, I've spent a lot of my parents's money and if I'm going to buy this dress, I need to use my own money. 

I didn't realize that I've been staring at the price tag. Also, I didn't realize Niall is standing next to me.

"You should try it" Niall said and dragged me to the fitting room before I could answer. He waits for me outside.

"What do you think?" I said. I went out from the fitting room then he stood up looking at me.

"Beautiful. You definitely need to buy this dress" He said still staring at me smiling. He actually made me smile.

"Um,no. I don't think so" I wish I have my own credit card so I won't feel guilty when I use it. I walked back to the fitting room and changed to my clothes. 

I hold the dress on my hand  when I got out from the fitting room then Niall grabbed it from my hand. He made me confused. I saw him walking to the cashier then I followed him.

"What are you doing??" I asked him.

"You seem likeit so I'm gonna pay it for you" He said and took his wallet.

"No no no no. You won't" I'm trying to stop him by holding his left hand. There's no way he's going to but this dress for me. I've just known her for a while and I don't want to owe him anything.

"Oh, yes I will" He used his right hand to grab the credit card and hand it to the cashier. I just sighed.

He gave me the shopping bag. "Thanks very much" I said to him and he smiled.

"Where's the boys?" I asked because I haven't seen them since I got into the boutique.

"I dunno, let's just walk around the mall" Said Niall and I agreed.

We walk passing stores when suddenly Niall stopped. "Why do you grab my t-shirt like that? He asked, confused.

I looked down to my hand which grabbing Niall's tosca green t-shirt. I explained to him how I always grab someone's clothes who I go to the mall with because once, I lost in a mall when I was little. He seems understood and starts walking around the mall again.

We stopped at a smoothie shop and bought some. We sat down and talked about many things. I told him about things that I fear, hobbies, about my family, and many other things. He's a good listener. I think we bonded pretty good. He also told me about his life in Ireland.

"Hey, I've got a plan. Let's go watch movie or grab dinner together this weekend." Niall shot up while I was talking about Mr. Tom.

"Yeah, sure. Sounds great" I said and took a sip of my strawberry smoothie. 

"You know, to get rid of the annoying lads."  He said joking.

"So this is a date?" I said carefully, I don't want to look over-cofident in front of him.

"Yeah" He said blushing then took a sip of his smoothie. Did he just blushed?! I. Can't. Believe. This. Niall asked me for a date. That Niall Horan from One Direction? Seriously?

We spent the rest of day talking and sharing thing while waiting for the boys to come back.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2012 ⏰

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