Death and Immortality [2]

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(A/N: This is a day later.
hopefully this doesn't offend and/or disapoint anyone in anyway, if so, I will apologize even more, if you are still mad, I will flee to Japan and change my name to.... not telling..)

Chapter 2

~Death and Immortality~


        “Mother”, I said, even though she was asleep in her hospital bed, “I’m going to be leaving now… I’m going to tell dad you said hi….”, I then stood up from the hospital chair I had been sitting in, and walked out the door, “I hope to see you tomorrow”, I mumbled as the door closed.

        Exiting the building, I headed to the graveyard where my father had been laid to rest. I didn’t have a car because I had to save up money to enter college, so I have to walk 4 miles. This is probably the reason I am always tired, but I shouldn’t be the one complaining when my mother is in the hospital, and my father has already been laid to rest. I should make them think that I am fine, after all, I have been doing that since I was five.

        I arrived at my father’s tomb stone at 6:38, and the sun had already begun to set. Sigh. “Father…. it seems as if mother is going to join you rather soon….. and her suffering will soon be ceased. We should be glad… one less person suffering…”, I said, looking at the two other gravestones next to my father’s, then looked back at his, “I will tell you both someday, but for now, I just have to make mother’s suffering away… oh, by the way.... thanks”, I said, then got up, and walked up to a gravestone next to my father’s, “Don’t worry, you will be occupied soon..”, I whispered then left the graveyard.

        I walked calmly to my home, even though I knew that it was dangerous for me to be out this late. Usually, for every other person, there wasn’t any danger. But, to some people, I wasn’t worth being called a person. Almost as if on cue, I sensed three more people, about 30 feet behind me, making me their target. I was walking through the park I had been in the day before, but it didn’t have a pleasant feel like yesterday, it was deadly.

        The footsteps approached me urgently. I was prepared for what was coming. I knew their intentions, I was used to it. It would break my parents hearts if they knew, which is exactly why I didn't tell them, I don’t want to add to their suffering. “Hmmm… looks as if we weren’t mistaken”, I heard a female voice behind me say, the one that I used to think was friendly, hmph, how foolish. I felt my arm being grabbed, and pulling me back to face these… things, “What’cha walking away from.. hmm loser?”

        They expected me to answer them, sigh, what a bore, “Nothing, but if I stopped here… that would take out your fun, wouldn’t it”, I said, earning me a punch to the face by the person to my left, and a punch to my stomach by the person to my right, making my stomach and cheek ache in pain. “Nice seeing you too”, I said, “Henchmen, can you please give me a proper warning next time... I could have purposely made my body go limp so this could be more enjoyable for all of you”, I said, making the female in the middle give me the evil eye, threatening me, oh.. looks like it is my turn to be the silenced one, if I don’t shut up I won’t be able to walk home.

        “You have a big mouth, don’t 'cha”, she giggled, then her face went to a strict serious expression, “Finish this, we don’t have any time to waste”, she then stood back and let the “henchmen” do the work. They punched me to the ground and I landed on the left side if my body. They began kicking and punching me. I shouldn’t be getting used to such physical abuse. This isn’t good for my health, but… if I might die, then I will be able to be with my parents….. at the same time… just like before. I then heard two muffled thuds next to me, as well as voices that I couldn’t understand. I tried opening my eyes, but I couldn’t, how annoying. I continued to try to open my eyes, when I felt myself being picked up, my consciousness then faded away.

Suits and Silence AU (William T. Spears Fanfiction) {William x OC}Where stories live. Discover now