Confessing and Teasing [13]

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(A/N: Short recap of last chapter in the beginning.)


Chapter 13

Confessing and Teasing


I glared at the demons that threatened me, feeling adrenaline flow through my veins, making my me feel immortal. I flashed the demons a devilish grin, out-ranking the two of their current facial expressions. I moved my muscles, causing them to rip the ropes that surrounded my being. I threw a punch at Sebastian first, knowing that he was more physically capable than the younger Earl. It landed directly on his neck, not giving him a chance to respond to the hit, I undercutted him with my left hand, sending him flying backwards. I sensed the young try to attack, so I shifted my weight, catching his wrist mid-air, throwing him on top of his precious butler.

I continued glaring, “I only wish for the two of you to cooperate and avoid me from here on out”, I said, my face now stern and serious, “You don’t want to lose each other, and I don’t want to lose the ones who I consider close to me”, I continued, being interrupted as I finished my sentence

“A truce then”, Ciel said, being lifted up with the help of Sebastian and himself, “We shall agree to not cross each others paths unless necessary”, he offered, now standing in front of me with a hand held out to me.

I glared at the threatening hand, and fist-pumped him instead of giving him a proper handshake, “I shall take your word for it, but I will not let my guard down, and I expect you to do the same”, I say, walking out of the cellar.

I waited by the door, tapping my foot as I waited for Sebastian to unlock the door. I glared at the slim man before me, despicable demon, to think I was once attracted to your sadistic character, I watched him unlock the door, my eyes meeting a spectacled man’s green ones once the door was fully opened.

He ran up to me, pulling me into a tight embrace, “I didn’t want to go inside because I thought they would hurt you”, he whispered, his quiet voice cracking at the end of his sentence.

I was shocked, but I hugged him back, Will is surprisingly affectionate. My expression softened, now smiling, I rested my head on his shoulder.

I enjoyed his warmth, but felt embarrassed that the demons were probably watching us. I softly poked William, snapping him out of his trance. He released me, turning to face the Earl and his Butler.

Sebastian chuckled, “Reminds me of the day I saved you”, he teased Ciel, making the blue-eyed male begin to grow red. They don’t even seem fazed by Will’s glare..

Ciel turned to face William, “Hmph, so Will, what does it feel like to have your girlfriend be more powerful than you”, he asked, yet he wasn’t expecting an answer.

He raised an eyebrow, turning to face me, making a double-take when his eyes met mine, “You see, Luna is now a half-breed of demon and grim reaper since she was given the opportunity to choose what species to be, meaning she is more powerful than all of us here”, Sebastian informed us.

Will clicked his tongue, “I know that”, he said, “If you don’t mind we’ll be leaving now”, he told the other two, before grabbing my hand and hauling me back to his house.

~( Time Warp: to Will’s House )~

We had rode the car back to Will's house in awkward silence, the only sounds coming from the motor and Will's nervous tapping.

When we arrived, Will was pacing back and forth in the living room, causing me to worry, "U-um, Will", I said, sounding very confused.

He suddenly pulled my into a tight embrace, "I wasn't able to take care of you... I'm sorry", he said, the words that escaped from his mouth sounding sorrowful and guilty.

I returned his hug, and began patting his back, "It's okay, but you still have to try and comfort me too", I said, slightly joking to show him I was fine.

He seemed to realize that I was joking, because he loosened his grip on me, letting out a relieved sigh while doing so. “I will be with you from now on, I will be with you to protect you”, he said, making my heart start to thump loudly.

“I-I, u-um.. so you only want to be with me so you can protect me”, I subconsciously asked, losing all sense of logic as my cheeks became a dark shade of red. He looked down at my blushing face, making me feel a mix between nerves and anxiety.

Will stayed silent for a long time, making me start to think that he would abandon me for saying such selfish words, “L-Luna”, he said, his voice wavering, he lifted my face with his slender fingers, making our eyes meet, “I… I need to tell you something..”, he said with uncertainty.

Oh no.. I’m about to get rejected, I began to feel my eyes create rivers that flowed down my face, but Will wiped them away, kissing my forehead as he did so. When his gaze returned to my now shocked expression, there was an evident shade of crimson drawn onto his cheeks, “I-I apologize, I can’t seem to stop loving you”, he whispered, his voice sweeter than any cake, cookie, candy, anything I had ever eaten.

I gazed into his eyes again, my expression softer than ever before, “Thanks Will… I know how to love people now.. because you thought me how to”, I said, a wide, genuine smile growing on my face.

I saw him smile through my blurry eyes, his face inching closer to mine as each second flew by. I felt soft skin touch my cheek, causing them to grow brighter under his touch. I felt him let out of relief, his breath making contact with my ear, causing me to feel chills run down my spine.

He gulped, “So.. what does that mean”, he teased, continuing to whisper into my ear.

I flinched at the words he said, “Y-you know what it means…”, I stuttered, burying my head into his shoulder.

He let out a throaty chuckle, “I like to be very precise”, he smirked, seeming more confident as each second passed.

Subconsciously, I pressed my lips together, just before I looked back his handsome face, “... I… I l-love you.. Will”, I whispered, just so he can barely hear me.

Will seemed satisfied with my response, because let a sweet smile form on his face just before he kissed my forehead once more, “I know, I do too”, he said, pulling into an eternal feel of love.

I am glad I met my amazing, manga model…. boyfriend.

(A/N: This is the end of this story, but  I shall add another chapter that is this one nut in Will's perspecttive, aand maybe another one with Ronald's reaction and point of view on the new relationship.)

Thank you so much for all of the support.

I hope you enjoyed this story.

Meow <3.

Suits and Silence AU (William T. Spears Fanfiction) {William x OC}Where stories live. Discover now