Emotions and Burns [10]

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Chapter 10

Emotions and Burns


I felt my face match the oven's temperature, so I turned to face the oven, pretending to reset it. I sighed softly, that was unbearable, I'm going to have to get back at that blonde bastard. He just my made my irregular heartbeat go through the roof. I'm no toy, these two can't just play with my already confusing emotions.

Once everything was ready, I placed the mold that contained the somewhat thick substance in the oven. After closing the oven door, I pressed the start button and turned on the lamp inside. I'm going to watch this cake until I understand why I feel so... mushy.

I grabbed a miniature chair and placed it in front of the oven, "I'm going to think about something, so please only interrupt me if there is something urgent", I clarified. They had been looking at me as if I were some weird mutation, but continued to do their business.

Okay, let's start off with Ronny.. hehe, I've always wanted to call him that. No, back on track. Ronald is like a big brother I never had, with extra over protectiveness and affection. William is an admirable person, not to mention handsome, he is kind, contrary to how the author portrays' him in the manga. He is very organized, and is a hard worker. He is also very cool, he is quick on his feet, and seems to react on instinct. Now me.. I have gotten jealous of Grell, but for what reason? Let's see... he was praising William, telling him that he loves him, and being disgustingly lovey-dovey with my W-

I jumped in my seat a little startling the person who had just enter the kitchen. He raised his eyebrow, "Are you okay Luna", he asked.

I felt my cheeks burn, "Y-yeah, I just accidentally placed my finger on the oven", I said. No way I was about to tell him what I was just thinking about him, and my apparent feelings for him.

He walked towards me, "Let me see", he said, kneeling down. His face was only centimeters away from mine, but unlike me, he was focused on my 'burnt' finger.

Bad idea, what now. I rushed an idea into my head, not caring if it was stupid or not, I immediately took action. I placed one of my fingers from my other hand, that was not in his point of sight, onto the ovens hot glass window.

I withdrew a wince, "It was this hand", I said, showing him my finger, which was the same shade of red as my face.

He nodded, making our noses brush against each other. We looked at each other, my finger and our cheeks were color coordinating.

He stood up, but pulled me up with me. Before I had time to question him, I felt a relaxing, cold sensation. I let out a pleasant hum, then released myself from his grip with my free hand. While doing so, I turned off the cold water that had soothed my finger. I smiled broadly, realizing that the two of us were still red tomatoes.

"Thanks", I said, dropping my haze to the floor.

He nodded slowly, "So, you done thinking", he asked, and I nodded, "What about."

I rose my head at an unbelievable speed, making Will look at me with confusion and concern, "O-oh! Well, I-I..", geez, I can't lie to William, he reads me like an open book, should I just confess...

Just as I was about to continue, I was interrupted, "Listen, Luna.. I don't want you to tell me anything you are uncomfortable with.. if you need anything, I will always be here for you", he sighed, "I wish there was a way I could save you the grief of having to leave your mother, but there is nothing in my power that will have any effect..." he said, which shocked me.

I suddenly pulled him into a tight embrace, "You are already helping me", I said, catching him off guard, "D-... don't leave, please", I began crying softly.

I can't believe he broke down my walls... he got me to believe in love once more. I smiled as I felt strong arms wrap around me, bringing me great comfort.

(A/N: Yeah, this chapter is short, but it has more action than any other chapters, so please bear with the lack of... longness I guess. Anyway, I pretty much trolled you, hardcore. Hehe, sorry, I guess. It is late and I was craving the ability to fool someone, as well as writing another chapter. Also, a little update, I will return to school September 3rd, so that will limit the "frequent" updates. Also, this fanfiction is nearing its end, [not really, but it's close], and I will limit myself to only writing one story, and coming up for ideas for other fanfictions. Like, I'm planning a Free! and SnK/AoT fanfiction, [planning = creating plot ideas], so yeah, that's a thing. Oh well, wnough for my late night ranting goodbye~. Meow.)

Suits and Silence AU (William T. Spears Fanfiction) {William x OC}Where stories live. Discover now