~ Part 10 ~

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Oz announced something about Kaylee going to music school. "I'm going to the city music school. I'm leaving." Kaylee said and I got up. "That's great news, Kaylee." I said hugging her. "Nice one, Kayls." Luke said. "Sorry for that slip." Oz said. "We're happy for you." Skye said. "We knew you could do it." Sean said and I smiled. Kaylee said something and Skye grabbed something. "Hand this out." She said to Ben. "So I read my Mom's diary and she'd come up with some camping activities. She read about this Japanese tradition where you write down your secret wish, make it into a boat, and set it free but your wish has to remain a secret otherwise it won't come true." I got a purple piece of paper and a black marker.

"I love it." Kaylee said. "I'm into it." Ben said. "Me too." Sean said with his foot on a log. I sat down in front of him on the log. 

(Skye Kaylee Sean Noah Ben Rosie ~Cameron~ -Grayson- +Ethan+ All)

The sky is full of possibilities
I know the stars above are listening, yeah, yeah
Just gotta look inside my heart, I know
And not be scared to chase a little hope

Don't wanna live my life by playing safe
I'd rather risk it all than have some fate, yeah, yeah
Sometimes you think you've got it all to lose
But trust yourself and watch  it all come true  

I'll close my eyes and
Give in to gravity
And own this night, yeah
The universe can hear me
I've gotta take my chances
Forget the consequences
And keep holding, thinking, dreaming
What I've been wishin  

All I wanted
I'll make it happen
With night sky watching
I can just imagine
I've gotta take my chances
Forget the consequences
And keep holding, thinking, dreaming
What I've been wishin' for  

~This world has got me tangled in my head~
+It's easy second-guessing every step, yeah, yeah+
-But if I'm honest with myself tonight-
Then maybe everything I dream can be mine  

I'll close my eyes and
Give in to gravity
And own this night, yeah
The universe can hear me
I've gotta take my chances
Forget the consequences
And keep holding, thinking, dreaming
What I've been wishin  

All I wanted
I'll make it happen
With night sky watching
I can just imagine
I've gotta take my chances
Forget the consequences
And keep holding, thinking, dreaming
What I've been wishin' for  

I'll close my eyes and
Give in to gravity
And own this night, yeah
The universe can hear me
I've gotta take my chances
Forget the consequences
And keep holding, thinking, dreaming
What I've been wishin  

All I wanted
I'll make it happen
With night sky watching
I can just imagine
I've gotta take my chances
Forget the consequences
And keep holding, thinking, dreaming
What I've been wishin' for  

By the time we got finished, it was basically time to go in the tent. Everyone went in and I went in with Sean. "This is the weirdest journey ever." I said and Sean chuckled. "I get what you mean." Sean said.  "Thanks." I said to him. "For what?" He asked. "For being the best boyfriend ever." I said to him smiling. "Your welcome." He said smiling and falling asleep. I fell fast asleep that night. 

I woke up the next day and headed out the tent with new clothes on. We all headed back to the Lodge and Me and Sean left back to our house with Danielle talking.

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