Chapter: 2

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" Why won't you just trust me and stay away from him...?" Dante question softening his gaze towards the semi frightened Zoe. " I don't see why you dislike him so much, what has he ever done to you?" She replied, somewhat fierce. Dante backed away from Zoe.

" He's just..." He started

"He's what damn it!?" Zoe said frustrated

" Nevermind, you and I have a graduation to get ready for." Dante said with a smile, trying to change the subject.

" But-" Zoe got cut off

" I'm heading home to get ready, just stopped by to make sure you would still go with me." He said with a shy smile. " Of course I'm going" Zoe blushed. " Great!" Dante replied, lighting up with a smile. " What time do you want me to pick you up?" " Oh, I guess 3:30 seeing how it starts at 4." "Okay I'll be here." Dante replied. He then smiled and left. After he left Zoe got caught up in her thoughts. " What is it with him? Whats so wrong with Drake? He's nice, cute, and he hasn't ever done wrong to me." Zoe frowned " Well I guess I'll get ready." she mumbled to herself before heading to the bathroom to take a shower.

Later after Zoe was showerd, dressed, and had put on a little makeup she amired herself in the mirror. The red dress looked well on her. It was very form fitting, and it went well with the bow she had her hair tied up in. She borrowed her favorite pair of black heels from her moms closet. " I think I look nice." Zoe said proudly. She glanced at her phone that was on her desk. It was facedown and you could see her case. "Sleeping With Sirens" was imprinted on it in white and black. She went to pick it up and it rang, startling her. "Oh, a text message from mom..." She muttered as she unlocked it and read the text. * Hi honey i just wanted to tell you that the doctors want me to stay longer for more kemo.:( sorry I won't be home for another few days. Love mom * Zoes mom had cancer, and she was constantly in the hospital. It only seemed to be getting worse. Her dad died when she was young and Zoe didn't have much memory of him. Zoe was almost always alone in her house. It was only a two bedroom house, but it always felt so big to her. Zoe replied to her mom. * I really wish you were well enough to come home... I miss you. I love you mom. * Zoe had a frown insted of a smile on her face now. Glancing at the time, Zoe went to the mirrow once again, to fix up her hair a little. " Dante should be here soon... I don't really feel like going now though..." Zoe had an awful feeling in her stomach, she wanted her mom back home, healthy and well. * Knock Knock * There was a knock at the front door. Zoe grabbed her phone and keys and headed downstairs.

Zoe opened the door, and gasped. Black leather jacket and a white dress shirt. The first button undone, and his dark blue jeans were all perfect. He looked perfect. He was perfect. She looked up at him. His eyes burned like fire. His hair was as black as midnight, and as bright as daylight at the same time. " You look nice." Dante complimented her, as he ran his hand through his hair. " ... " Zoe couldn't seem to move or speak. " Shall we go?" Dante asked the frozen in place Zoe. Finally finding her voice Zoe said " Yeah." They headed to the graduation, in Dantes black muscle car. It went by quickly, they found thier seats easy and it began. About two hours after Dante, Zoe, and Dantes sister were all in Dantes car heading home. " I'm pround of ya sis." Dante said with a elegant smile. " Haha thanks." she replied with a chuckle. "Can't believe I'm done with it all..." She drifted off lost in thought. Zoe had remembered she had turned off her phone during the cermony, and turned it on. Once on it notified her that she had ten missed calls, sounding a notification for each one. " Wow someones popular." Dante said glancing at her with a girn. " Ten missed calls..." Zoe mumbled. " From who?" He asked confused. Zoe started listening to the first one. " Hello is this Zoe? Daughter of Dianna? We need you to call the hospital right away." Zoes expression dropped. Noticing Dante asked " Hey what's up?" Listening to the last of the messages Zoe had a horrified expression on her face. " Zoe what's worng??" Dante asked rasing his voice some. A few minutes went by before she spoke " ...It's my mom..."

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