chapter thirteen

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Even if it's just a web drama, I'm still happy that Actress Taeyeon is going to make a comeback after a one year hiatus. You look tired these days, maybe it's because of your packed schedule but you still have to take care of yourself. Have more sleep and eat more healthy food, and keep in mind that you'll always be the best. Fighting!


Taeyeon smiles at the card in her hand, putting it back next to the vase of flower. It is the third time she has read it today and maybe the fifteenth time she has read it this week.

It's amazing how small things like these can make my day. She thinks to herself.

Patting the head of Zero, who is sleeping on the couch, she makes her way through the living room, stepping to the door.

Today she has another date with Junmyeon, they have been going out for about three weeks now -but nothing has been decided yet.

When she's with him, she enjoys her time to the fullest, and never thinks about Baekhyun.

But whenever she's at home or at work, whenever she is alone, Baekhyun fills her head and thoughts, making her remember that she still loves him, that he still owns her heart.

Yet, it doesn't change the fact that she has grown fond of Suho, and thinks about him occasionally when she shakes the face of Baek off her mind.

Shutting the door, she shoves her phone in her purse, glancing in the direction of the elevator.

A shiver runs down Taeyeon's spine, and she stays still, not because she hears a chill-giving sound, and not because she is wearing a sleeveless crop top and a skirt.

It's because the Byun Baekhyun standing in front of her, is staring at her, as if he has never seen a human being, as if it's the first time he sees a girl, as if she is someone he hasn't seen in a long time -and it is the truth;they haven't seen each other in nearly a month.

Taeyeon feels it all again when she gazes back at him, the butterflies in her stomach, the pain traversing her body with every beat of heart, the heat in her cheeks, the weakness in her legs and the dizziness in her head.

And once again, it's too much for her to bear, making her want to fall onto the ground, to collapse, to give in to the ground.

It's definitely not him, you're just feeling unwell these days. She tries to convince herself.

She is proven wrong when Baekhyun speaks and her chest tightens, realising only then how much she have missed hearing his voice. "You look pretty. Going somewhere?"

"Right." Taeyeon clears her throat. "I'm meeting someone." She unnecessarily adds.

He nods as he taps in his pass-code to his penthouse. "Don't stay out too late. It will rain and you might catch a cold."

With that, Baekhyun gets in his apartment, leaving her questioning again what has just happened.

• • •

How to get out of an awkward situation, you say?

Well, neither Taeyeon can reply to that question. But the problem is, she needs the answer right now, especially that Suho is about to kiss her.

She doesn't know what to do. Dodge it? Let him do it? Push him away from me? But what if he gets offended and ends up being hurt?

For a second, she considers letting him do it, she thinks that maybe it will help her forget about Baekhyun, it will help her move on, it will help her stop the tons of feelings which are consuming her insides.

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