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Chapter 5

Toni's POV

I woke up from a horrible nightmare. I quickly ran into the bathroom and gripped the sink trying to calm down. I turned on the water and splashed my face. My breathing is slowing and my nerves are settling.

I need to get dressed and head home, but I'm nervous to drive. I've gathered my things and I'm about to open the door when I heard a something shatter. Let's just say I did the Scooby Do run and took off to my bike.

Feeling the wind in my hair was a great feeling, I felt free again. I drove up to my trailer and finally felt the sense of home. I've never had a home until I met the serpents. Jug and Sweets have been there for me when no one else has. I was only 12 when my mom passed and my dad kicked me out of the house. I lived with my uncle for about a year until I came out to him and he about killed me. Family wasn't something I was used to till I came to Riverdale. Riverdale wasn't a place, it was home. With the serpents by my side I could do anything, and I'm doing just that.

Cheryl's POV

I don't know the best word to put this, but school sucked. I mean sucked. I am so fucking done with everyone and everything. I just wanna go away. I wanna leave this world and never look back.

"Dammit, I fucking forgot to give her my number..are you serious!!" I threw my hands up frustration, I could feel my cheeks flaming. Jug would know where she lives I thought. I hopped in my car and took off to jugs.

Being honest with you, I'm really nervous. Jughead and I aren't friends what so ever. I barely like him as it is and now I'm asking him for help. I rolled my eyes so hard it hurt.

I arrived at his trailer and to my surprise, Toni was walking into her trailer..well I hope it was her trailer. I quickly scramble out of the car and catch up to Toni.

"Hey Toni! How are you feeling?" I asked and I accidentally startled her. "Oh sorry hun, I didn't mean to startle you." I put my hand of her shoulder and she flinched. " ok?" I feel like an overprotective mother.

"H-hi C-Cheryl. I..uh just left y-your house a few minutes a-ago." She stuttered out nervously. I see her eyes glassy like, I hope she's ok.

"Hey Toni. Toni? Look at me please." I grab her chin and she looks as if she's about to burst. "Let's get you inside." I take her hand and pull her into her trailer.

Her trailer is actually really cute. It's a light grey with dark grey trim, with a tiny kitchen. The shelves are white and the counter top is a dark grey color. I pull her to the couch, I can feel her hand trembling.

"I know I don't know you, but please talk to me. Somethings bothering you. Please, please talk to me." I look into her warm brown eyes. I can feel my body warming up just by looking at her.

"I don't want to say my problems. They're mine and I'm not that good at opening up." She looks toward the door as if she's getting claustrophobic.

"If it makes you feel better my mom has made my house her sexual play pen and all I hear is " fuck me" all the damn time." She lightly laughs, I can see her feeling a bit better.

"Well at least you have a mother, a family. I don't have anyone." She sniffs. "When I was 12 my mother passed away and I was kicked out of the house. I was only fucking 12!!" She sobbed as she threw her hands up in frustration. "I ran away from home and ended up here, in good ole Riverdale. I was living in the forest until my uncle found me and dragged me "home". I stayed there for about a year and then stuff happened and he kicked me out. I found my way back to Riverdale. I was living on the streets, in the darkest ally I could find. Then FP found me and took me under his wing. You don't wanna here this stuff, it's my problems not yours." She looks down and fiddles with her fingers. I grab her hand and she looks up at me with the saddest eyes I've ever seen.

"Oh my gosh Toni, I'm so sorry. I wish I could've helped you. You're so sweet. You know that my brother was murdered by my own father? Don't you?" She shook her head no. "Well on July 4th my brother was killed. Supposedly drowned in the lake. I had a feeling that wasn't true, we used to swim there all the time. We would run off Into the woods every weekend to go swim in Sweetwater River." I smiled reoccurring the memory. "We would have so much fun. He was a twin from the Gods it felt like. He was so supportive of me and helped me through everything, until he was found dead. Later on after he passed I found out that my dad shot him, and then he hung himself. It was awful. I've had nightmares every night, seeing his dead body swinging from the barn shaft." I shivered just thinking about it. I could tell that Toni was really listening to me. Her eyes were peeled to mine. "I haven't had the best family in the world. Heck I to cry myself to sleep because I've never been wanted from my family, I'm always a burden." I could feel my eyes tearing up. Toni pulled me into a hug and we both practically cried our eyes out on each others shoulders. The smell of vanilla and leather washed over me and it calmed me, I smiled in mid cry.

"Hey, your not a burden, you're beautiful. And you were most certainly the best twin sister to him. He would love to be with you right now. But hey, you've got me which isn't much at all." She looked into my eyes with sincereness.

"Thank you, you're so sweet. You're a lot of things Toni. Don't put yourself down, ok? I smiled.

"Ok" she replied shyly.

"Would you like to join me? I'm going to pops and I would rather not be alone." She nodded her head yes.

We walked to my car and is headed to pops.

Toni's POV

I look out of Cheryl's rainy car window. I feel terrible. My stomach hurts like heck and my feet feel numb, but when I hugged her, that all went away. She is such a caring person and broken too. I really want to be a good friend to her. I want to make her happy and see the joys in life, even though I can't seem to see them either.

We pull into pops and I quickly get out. I run over to Cheryl's side of the car and hold my jacket over our heads so we won't get cold or wet. She smiles and blushes slightly at me. We hurry into pops and it's actually quite busy.

"Hey, you want to head over to that booth?" Cheryl's points to a booth against the wall in the back.

"Sure" I smile at her. We walked over to the booth and I sit down and she sits across from me.

Pop Tate comes up to our table. "Hey ladies, good seeing you Toni. You haven't been here in almost 3 months. How's things been?"

"Not so great, same old same old" I look at him to see concern written all over his face.

"If you need anything, I'm always here." I fake smile at him. "What would you ladies like to eat?"

"Um I'll take a strawberry shake and a side of fries" Cheryl nods at me. "I'll just have a chocolate shake." I say nervously. He walks off with our order, I can feel eyes on me. I slouch down into the booth a tad, not wanting Cheryl to notice. Even though I completely failed at the task because she's looking at me with an eyebrow arched. This is gonna be a long night. 


Hey guys! So sorry I havent updated in a while. This is my longest chapter yet! 1411 words! Tell me what you think so far? Do you like the length? 

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