Red Walls and Red Hair

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Chapter 4

Toni's POV

I woke up to red walls and red hair. My vision is quiet blurry but I can make out fair skin, big brown eyes, and bright red lips.

"Oh god, who the fuck are you? Have you kidnapped me? Why am I here??" I screeched. I started to quickly scoot backwards but hit the wall. My breath hitched and eyes wide. My vision cleared and I saw a gorgeous red head.

"Hey Toni, it's ok. It's me Cheryl. You remember what happened? You came here freezing to death and you passed out. It's currently.." *she looks at her clock on her brown dresser* "4:02am."

My throat hurts like hell and my hands were shaking. She grabs my hand and gives it a light squeeze. Her skin is so soft.

"Oh..I'm so sorry. I've intruded in your home, I should..uh..go" I started to get up but I felt hands on my shoulders which startled me. A blond girl with a pink sweater and white jeans smiled at me.

"Toni, it's 4 in the morning. School starts tomorrow, well actually today, but i don't think we will make it as we haven't gotten much sleep. Oh I'm Betty." She handed her hand out for me to shake. "And the girl passed out on the bed is Veronica. You'll most likely meet her in a few hours. I'm going to make her go to school." She chuckled.

"Oh alright" I stuttered. I really don't know what to do.

Cheryl got up and made a cute little bed on the floor. She put a red blanket on the floor and the white fluffy one on top. She put her hand out for me to grab. I hesitated, I could see her eyes glistening. I reached out and grabbed it. I walk over to the "bed" and laid down. I wasn't tired but the smell of cherries seemed to surround me, I liked it.

Cheryl started to walk away but I grabbed her hand. "Stay please" I whispered so low, at first I didn't know if she heard me.

"Are you sure, cha cha?" She looked at me, her eyes seemed to be smiling.

"Y-yeah" I said nervously. She laid down beside me and quickly fell asleep.

Cheryl's POV


I woke up at 8:10. Only 4 hours of sleep, great. I shifted my gaze to Toni who was fast asleep with her hand resting on mine. Her skin is so soft, I blushed. I slid my hand away from hers and got up to get dressed. I looked over to the bed and I saw a note from Betty:

Hey Cheryl,

We went to school. I hope you are ok. Hope you slept good.

Seen you soon.


Well I mind as well go to school late. I don't wanna miss much. I walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth and get ready.

*1 hour later*

It was about 9:15 when I walked out of the house. I got in my blood red Mini Cooper convertible and drove off.


A/N: hey! Thank you so much for reading! This has been a blast to write and there's still sooo much more to come💕

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