Cuteness Overload

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Chapter 7

Trigger warning, this chapter deals with cutting. I'll put a * where if you don't want to read, stop. 

Toni's POV

It's been a few days and I haven't gotten to see Cheryl much. She's so busy with school and grades, she doesn't have time to chill. I think she's just trying to drown herself in stuff so she doesn't have to worry about the world around her.

I walk up to my bike to head to South Side High, I haven't been to school in about 3 months. I'm not ready to go back but I have to. I've already missed about 2 weeks of this school year and I already know that I'm going to have so much homework. Well I guess that's a good thing, I won't have to worry about other things.

I walk up to the school and see people pouring out, with disgusted faces. I spot jug and run up to him. "What the fuck? What happened?" I say with anger.

"They're shutting this baby down. We have to go to the Northside, Riverdale High." He rolls his eyes.

"What? Why?" I practically plead to him.

"This school is a run down piece of shit. Plus, someone's gonna tear it down." He shrugs. I look at him, I could see it's bothering him. This was like his home. Now, it's going to be nothing.

I drive my bike back home as we won't start school until tomorrow. Great, now I'll even have more homework. I open my door to see papers scattered everywhere and my kitchen table flipped. I pull out my knife "Whose there?" I stiffen up. I see a tall shadow in my room. "Get out or I'll call the police" I roughly state.

"Hey, I'm so so sorry. I was looking for my ring I left here." I look up to see Cheryl's gorgeous brown eyes.

"So you break in my house to find your goddamn ring?!" I yell on accident. I can see tears rolling down her face. I cross my arms and look at her sternly.

"Cheryl, I'm sorry for yelling." I look at her sincerely. She just nods, her eyes looking everywhere, except for mine. "Hey." I say softly and take her hand, she winces. 


"What's wrong?" She looks down at her wrist. I turn it over to see cuts going all up and down her arm.

"Cheryl...I..." I start. "Please don't say anything, it'll only make it worse. I didn't leave my ring here, this is the only place that feels safe to me. I'm sorry for making a mess. I kinda like stubbed my toe on your kitchen table and like fell on it. I'll help you clean it up." She looks down and looks as if she's embarrassed by what she said.

"Hey, it's ok. You can come whenever you like, just call me first ok? Cause I've been in this situation before and I'd rather not stab you by accident." I chuckle. She gives me a horrified look.

I take her to the bathroom and she sits on the sink while I'm trying to find some medicine for her arm. "I can't believe you cut your self. Why?" I look at her sternly, trying to find something in her eyes that'll give me some clue.

Cutting is something I'm very familiar with. I don't want to see Cheryl in pain though. It's bad enough that her home life isn't great but with that adding on, I don't know what to do to help.


"Hey, why don't you stay with me for a few days? It'll be fun! We have school tomorrow, and I can drive us on my death trap." I squeal with excitement.

She gives me the are you serious look. "Of course, I would love to spend the night for a few nights. It'll be fun." She smiles, but it's not fake this time. It's a real genuine smile.

*that night*

Cheryl had to go home to get clothes. I just ordered pizza for her and I and I'm  currently sitting upside down on the couch. I giggle at the tv like a little girl while watching Big Bang Theory when I hear the door open. Cheryl's runs to me and pounces on me.

"Ow get off." I barely get out cause I can't breathe and I'm laughing so hard.

*giggles* "you're mine now!" She grabs my legs and hangs me upside down. She then flips me where my legs are on her waist and we are just a few inches apart.

"You're gonna make me have a headache" I whisper whilst giggling.

"You are a headache." She smiles and rolls her eyes playfully.

"I'm such a mood" I laugh and she's laughing so hard she's crying.

"I don't think I've laughed this hard in a long time cha cha." She scrunches her noise and smiles.

I kick her in the butt with my feet and her eyes go wide. She smacks my butt and drops me on the couch.

Cheryl's POV

I drop Toni on the couch. "How dare you!" She evil laughs at me and pulls me on top of her. She starts to tickle me.

"S-stop. Stop!" I swat at her hand but it was no use, she found the spot and I let out a loud laugh. "I can't breathe stooopp." She takes her hand away from my side and cups my cheek. My cheeks feel like they are on fire.

"You're so pretty, you know that?" She says in a low whisper. She looks into my eyes and I can feel all my rock walls and barriers just crumble down. I feel so vulnerable, yet so strong.

"You're so pretty too." I boop her noise and she scrunches it. I laugh at her.

*knocks coming from the door* "delivery!" "I'll get it" I say. I opened the door to a really cute guy. Dark brown hair with ice blue eyes and a jaw line that could cut someone.

"What's someone like you living in a place like this?" He scans my body and I slap him across the face. "You're an ass you know that?" I snatch the pizza away from him and don't even bothering paying. I slam the door shut, my anger is flooding my vision. I look over to see Toni smiling and laughing at the tv and my heart practically melts. I can feel my face soften, damn.


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