Where were you?

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Kisshu POV

Ichigo told me I should leave her room before her father sees me so, I jumped out her window and teleported back to our ship. I teleported straight to my room so Pai and Taruto wouldn't see me. Sadly, that plan failed, they were both in my room. I assume they were waiting for me. They both gave a death glare before Pai spoke.

'Where have you been, Kish?' He asked.

'None of your business!' I didn't want to tell them I was with my Koneko-chan.

'What if we tell you where we were?' Taruto was the one to speak this time. This was about to get interesting.

'Ok, fine. Taruto, then Pai and then me.'

'Ok' Taruto agreed 'So I was with one of the mews' he said, blushing slightly.

'Let me guess' Pai interrupted 'You were with the Monkey girl?'  He continued, making Taruto blush even deeper.

'Yes' he admitted 'yes, I was with Pudding'

'Where?' I asked him

'Her house' he said quietly, causing me and Pai to laugh.

'Ok, ok' I tried to stop laughing 'so? Where were you Pai?'

'Also with a mew' he said crossing his arms and turning away.

'Who?' Taruto asked

'Lettuce ' He said not much louder than a whisper

'Where?' I asked

'Also her house' he said and slightly looked away

'So where were you Kisshu?' Asked Taruto

'It's pretty obvious ' I said, they both know I've been watching Ichigo so I'm pretty sure they'll know where I was.

'Were you with another mew?' Taruto was the one to speak again, Pai didn't seem to wanna speak after he told us where he was.

'Yes, I was with a mew' I said 'also at her house' I continued, though I'm almost certain Pai knew who I was talking about.

'Who? Who? Who?' Taruto kept asking, this seemed to annoy Pai and he was the one to speak and answer Tart's question.

'He was with Mew Ichigo!' He shouted and Tart immediately stoped talking and stared at him just like I was doing.

'Great, So now could you' I stated politely 'GET OUT MY ROOM!' I shouted.

They left my room and I was finally alone again. I wonder what Ichigo's gonna get up to tomorrow...

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