A new student?

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Is should really start writing things before and after these chapters. But who even reads these unless it's a conversation between the author and Kisshu right? So because I don't want this to be deleted, I just wanna say that-

Kisshu: Oh shut up already! She does not own TMM or any of its characters. She only owns her OCs and the story line. Get on with the story!

Esh: ok ok, thanks Kish but I could have said that you know

Kisshu: you were taking too long!

Esh: oh whatever! On with the story, enjoy!


'Hey' I replied 'do I know you?' I was a little confused because I've never seen him before. He had long dirty blonde hair that went down to almost his shoulders. The school uniform that he was wearing didn't seem to fit him very well and it looked pretty old, as if it had been used for at least 5 years. He wore a pair of green, rectangular glasses and was pretty much shaking. We started walking in so we wouldn't be late and he finally answered.

'W-We're in t-the s-s-same c-class' He stuttered

'Oh sorry, I never really paid much attention to my classmates because normally I'm asleep in class sooo' I said. Damn, I think I talk too much.

'I-I'm Y-Yos-shi-da H-has-su-ke'

'Yoshida Hasuke?' I asked because I didn't really know what he was saying.

'Y-yea' He said, still stuttering

'So, is there anything I can help you with?'

He took a deep breath and opened his mouth to talk but it seemed like someone silenced him at once. He didn't say anything then...

'I LIKE YOU!' He burst out before running away to class. That guy was weird, I thought to myself. After classes I sat alone at break, I didn't feel like talking with my friends so I sat outside under a tree. It was quite until I heard the bell ring. Everyone rushed inside and the teacher stood at the front of the class.

'Class, today we have a new student, he couldn't make it in this morning but he's here now so could you please come in?' She said half to the class and half in the direction of the door. I put my head on the table. He. Great, another boy. I hear the door creak open and a few footsteps before a gasp from all the girls in the class. I look up to see what was going on and to my great shock, I see Kisshu. But, it wasn't the green-haired alien we all know, no no no this was Kisshu as a human. He still had his forest green hair tied up but instead of pointy ears and his usual clothes, he had round human ears and the school uniform on. I'm not gonna lie, he looked pretty handsome in that uniform but what was he doing here? My teacher's voice brought me out of my daydreams.

'Please, introduce yourself' she said, gesturing to Kish

'I'm Kisshu, I'm 15 and I hope we can be friends ' he said with a smile before looking around the class and stopping on me. He smirked at me like this was his plan all along. Once again, my teacher's voice brought me out of the staring contest I was currently having with Kisshu.

'Miss Ichigo' She said in a slightly raised voice

'Yes?' I looked away from Kisshu and looked at my teacher.

'Do you mind showing Kisshu around the school at lunch?'

'Not at all'

'Great! Then Kisshu,' she turned to him 'could you sit next to Ichigo for me?'

'With pleasure ' he said softly before walking over to where i was sitting, and sitting next to me. Pretty close. Too close for comfort with all these people around. All the girls were still looking at him stunned or giving me death glares. What did do?

About half an hour into the lesson I decided to get some answers. While my teacher was still talking I nudged Kisshu to get his attention. He turned to look at me and smirked again. Why does he do that?! He does it all the time and it gets annoying after a while!

'What are you doing?' I asked him in a whisper

'Just wanted an excuse to see you more' he said then winked and turned back towards the front of the class. Why did that make me feel good? I feel like I should be annoyed but I'm not. But once again being brought out of my daydreams, I heard the bell and everyone jumped up. Hey all ran out the door. Well, the boys did and the girls were gonna too, until they saw that Kisshu was still there. They came rushing towards him and practically pushed me away from him. I fell and hit my head hard on one of the desks. My vision was blurry and the last thing I remember is hearing Kisshu's voice asking where I was.


Please tell me what you think, his is by far the longest chapter so far. So yeah, we'll see what happens next. Will she be ok?

Kisshu: she better be! Or I'll kill you

Esh: woah! Easy there Kisshu, don't say that, that's scary.

Kisshu: then promised she'll be ok!

Esh: I don't make promises

Kisshu: But-

Esh: Bye guys! <3

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