Wizarding World

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Heavily Inspired By Harry Potter and other Related Books 

              A girl with vibrant red hair walked down a dingy suspicious alleyway. Now one would assume she would get into trouble by walking down this path but her not for her. Her bright blue eyes shone with mischief promising of trouble. She walked for a while before she reached a dead end that was cornered off with full red bricks. She looked around to check her surrounding before taking out her wand and tapping on the brick walls in a rhythmic way before the brick wall moved apart like a door revealing a small community- The wizarding world. This world was hidden in plain sight to the rest of the normal humans with no magic. As she entered the walkway the brick wall magically disappeared leaving an empty land. She walked to a magnificent building that had a golden accent with the words written "Wizardy Bank". This is where all the money of all the witches and wizards are kept for safe keeping. The bank, however, was a little unusual instead of it being run by humans it was run by goblins. Smiling to herself, she walked into the bank and politely bowed to the guards that stood there and said good morning in a chirpy voice and she continued on doing the same for all the goblins she passed by. The goblins all saw this and say they were shocked would be an understatement. Their eyes were opened so wide one would think their eyeballs were going to fall out. In the many years of services, most goblins are treated like dirt because most wizards look down on them and see them as an inferior creature but not this girl

               She walked up to a goblin who sat on a large chair with a plague the had "Head Manager" written on it. She bowed to him politely before asking in a quiet but strong voice " May I speak to my manager Mr BloodClaw, please." The said goblin looked up at the girl before jumping down from his seat to find the manager of this girls bank account in the working rooms. It took quite a while but when he found BloodClaw he told her " There is a girl with red hair that claims that you are the manager of her account, should I send her to you?" " Yes, do send her in there was an appointment made with me." With the being said the goblin walked back out to the waiting room and when he returned he saw the girl patiently waiting for his return jotting down something in a miniature black notebook.

            The goblin cleared his voice which caught the girls attention and with a big smile gracing the girls to face she asked politely," Is he free I know that he has many more clients but my appointment made with him had been a rather rushed timing so I feared the worst but I needed to speak with him on some urgent matter..." the girl rambled on. The goblin replied calmly," Ms... please calm down BloodClaw is currently always available to serve his most valued client of the Bank." "Oh...thank god for a moment I thought I was going to have to come back another day because I thought that my appointment was to rushed. Oh, and how rude of me I haven't introduced myself to you. My name is Esmerelda Lilith Nightingale Heiress of the Noble House Of NightMare and Nightingale. A pleasure to meet your acquaintance Master SteelGrip," Esmerelda spoke with confidences the bubbliness in her tone long gone. The goblin looked up in awe and fear this was after all one of the most influential and powerful families in the whole of the wizarding world and she was the heiress to two of the houses no less."The pleasure is all mine Lady  Esmerelda Lilith Nightingale," the goblin- SteelGrip stuttered out. Letting out a small chuckle Esmerelda simply told SteelGrip," After all that you and the goblin nation has helped my family just call me Lilith is fine. Shall we proceed on to Master BloodClaw?" 

               As they walked to the office there was an immediate change in the Esmerelda whole aura. The twinkle in her eyes disappeared and all that was left was a cold and calculating blue eye reflecting, her body posture and aura changed to that of an heiress ready to take over the ladyship of the families of the most influential families in the world. Once outside the door of her manager's office she turned to SteelGrip and with a fist over her heart she bowed and said in a strong voice," Thank you SteelGrip may your gold flows and flourish.." SteelGrip just looked at her with a smile that made his sharp teeth jut out and replied a smirk on his face "...And your enemies fall before you Lady Lilith," as she walked into the large room with the door banging in a loud thud behind her.

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