{Chapter 2} Dinner?!

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I woke up to the light shining through my curtains. I groaned and got up, stretching while I stepped onto my cold wooden floor. I walked over to my wardrobe and pulled out my light blue dress. I slipped on my blue flats and brushed my h/c which cascaded down my shouders perfectly and stopped just above my waist.

I walked down the long flight of stairs and walking into the dining room to see my parents preparing breakfast. 'Good morning darling.' Said my mother as she finished setting down the plates on the table. 'Morning mother, morning father.' I responded as I sat down at my place at the table. 

Breakfast was full of small talk and eating until my mother stopped the conversation. 'I have some important news.' Stated my mother happily. 'What is it m/n?' asked my father. I nodded my head as if to agree with my father so we could know. 'Well,' began my mother. 'Tonight we are going for dinner with the Carlyle's.' she said casually 'Dinner?!' I repeated nervously 'Yes, so dress nice y/n.' Said my mother confidently. 'Okay mother.' calmly while I was internally screaming. We were going for dinner with my crush and his family! I mean, we have done it before but I feel like tonight is going to be different.

I went about my day normally and about a hour before we had to leave I started to get ready. I lightly curled my hair at the ends and I put on some mascara and a bit of lip gloss and wore a light purple dress with a thin black belt sewn onto it. I put on some short purple heels. I walked downstairs to find my parents all ready with my mother in a red dress and my father in a light grey suit. 'Come on y/n! The carriage waiting for us!' We stepped out side and go into the carriage to take us to the Carlyle's house. 

The carriage stopped and we all go out and walked up the steps to the front of the house. My father knocked on the door and Phillip's mother answered and told us to come inside and escorted us to the dining room. He shook my mother and fathers had and exchanged a few 'hellos' between them. Then he walked over to me while my heartbeat increased a little. 'Hello y/n, Good to see you!' He said to me while smiling and pulling me into a hug. 'Phillip I saw you yesterday.' I said while giggling slightly. 

'True, but it wasn't planned.' He responded. We all sat down for dinner and here was some small talk while we all ate. When we had finished the maids came in and cleared the table. 'Mother, can y/n and I be excused from the table?' Phillip asked his mother. 'If y/n's mother is okay with it.' His mother responded while looking from me to my mother. My mother nodded her head and Phillip stood up, took my hand and led me out of the dining room.

'Where are we going?' I asked as i had to slightly jog to catch up to him. 'Somewhere...' He answered casually. 'Wow, way to be specific.' I responded sarcastically. We walked out the back door and continued walking for a short while. He stopped when we reached an amazing garden. 'Its beautiful!' I said in awe. He mumbled something under his breath but I couldn't quite hear. 'What?' I asked. 'Nothing.' He said quickly. 

'y/n, there's something I've wanted to do for a long time.' He said nervously. 'Okay, what is it?' 'Well..' He said hesitantly.  'What is it?' He leaned in and started to kiss me! I kissed back! But if anyone saw, we would get in major trouble because we're not even in a relationship. We pulled away and he said 'That.' I was blushing so much. PHILLIP CARLYLE, (MY CRUSH!!!) JUST KISSED ME!!!!! After that I was in shock! 'We should get back inside.' He said 'Yeah, we should.' I agreed.

-OMG! Lets see what happens next chapter!-

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