{Chapter 4} The Audition!

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Wow! Today is the day! Today is when I go to the museum! I got changed into a white and silver sparkly leotard and leggings and a top over. I just brushed my hair and ran downstairs 'Bye Mother!' I said as I shut the front door before she ask any questions.

I ran to the museum, bumping into a man in the process 'Watch where you're going!' He shouted angrily, I looked back while saying 'Sorry Sir!' but I continued running. I made it to the museum and burst through the doors to see a massive que! I got in line and waited.

Finally it was my turn! 'Next!' I heard from the office. I walked in and saw Mr Barnum sitting at his desk with a huge smile as soon as I walked in. 'y/n l/n, if I remember correctly.' 'Yes!' 'So whats your talent, what do you have to offer?' He ask while looking down at a piece of paper. 'Well I have been training in silks for a few years and I believe I am pretty good, if I do say so myself.' 'Perfect! You are gonna be amazing! You can go backstage and prepare for the show tonight.' 'Thank You! Mr Barnum!' I said enthusiastically 'Called me P.T.' He said with a smile as I walked out of the room and down to the backstage. 

'Hello.' Said a voice from behind me, I turned around to see a girl in a purple leotard and a pink wig on. 'Hi, I'm y/n' I said as shook her hand 'I'm Anne, Whats your talent y/n?' 'I train in silks, what's your talent?' 'Trapeze with my brother W.D.' 'ANNE!' someone shouted from behind her. 'That's my brother and I better go, nice meeting you y/n. Good luck for tonight!' 'You too!' i said as she jogged away. Well, at least i'm not completely lonely anymore.

Its five minutes to curtain and i've met everyone and they are all really nice, we have all beemn practicing before the show so we are all ready for 'Come Alive' and for our solo acts. The curtains open and everyone runs on stage and everyone in the audience looks shocked but I can spot someone I know, Phillip. I don't think he realises that i've seen him so i'm going to pretend I haven't seen him. We all continue singing and we finish the number and the audience erupts into applause and I can see Phillip with a huge smile.

Its time for the solo acts and a few people have finished theirs including Anne, W.D. and Lettie. Its my turn and the white silks are set up, I walk onto the centre and start my routine. (VIDEO AT THE TOP!) While I was doing the spilts on the silks I made eye contact with Phillip and continued my routine. When I finished I bowed and walked off stage. As soon as I was backstage, Anne ran and gave me a hug and said 'y/n, that was amazing!' 'Thanks, So were you!'

Soon the show was over and I got changed again and walked outside with Lettie in search for Phillip. I spotted him as Lettie whispered 'I'll give you two some privacy' As she walked away she turned back around and gave me a thumbs up while smirking. 'y/n! You were incredible!' He said while pulling me into a tight hug. 'These are for you.' He said nervously while handing me a bouquet of white roses. 'They're beautiful. Thank you.' I said as I gave him a kiss on his cheek. 'My mother is gonna kill me if she finds out where i've been!' 'It'll be okay. I'm sure' He said to reassure me 'Thanks' I said as I saw P.T. walk out. He walked over to us. 'y/n that was amazing! and who is this young man.' P.T. asked 'Oh, this is Phillip Carlyle, my friend. Well i should probably go home now. Bye' I said while giving Phillip a hug. 'Bye P.T.' I said and waved to him 'Bye!' they both said.

As I walked away I heard P.T. say to Phillip 'Can I buy you a drink?' I smiled to myself. This should be interesting. I can't wait until tomorrow!

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